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Long distance crush - first time skyping

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    Long distance crush - first time skyping

    Thanks for letting me be a part of this forum!
    At the beginning of the year I( 19, uni student from Switzerland) met a 25 y/o korean guy online. We've been talking everyday with each other, often telling us what we've been up to today, how we are feeling, sending us pictures when we went on holidays, etc. He calles me cute, that I'm so lovely and gives me some compliments sometimes. He's been in my hometown before, some years ago and I still can't believe that we were so near.
    One month ago we started sending voice messages and when I heard his voice for the first time, I definitely fell for him (he's super cute, has a great character and a wonderful voice)
    We phone called the first time one week ago and it was amazing. Due to 7h time difference and studying, we don't have a lot of time to communicate. Both of us don't check our messages while we're studying (even if we are under quarantine atm)
    We were talking for a long time and realized, that we have even more stuff in common with each other.
    Im usually really shy but with him, I never had any problems.
    Im not sure if he sees me in a romantic way or only as a friend. If he would be from Europe, i would be sure that he has a crush on me but our culture is quite different (I kinda grew up with the asian culture due to my mum who lived in japan for some years)
    The things I'm unsure about it; I really want to call or skype with him soon again. I know he wants to as well but maybe he's a bit shy to ask or he simply has no time rn.
    He asked me for calling the first time, back then I had no time tho, then I asked him and we talked with each other.
    Here in my country, it would now be his turn to ask for the next phone call/skype. I'm not sure tho if I should ask him for the weekend or wait a bit.
    I don't wanna seem to eager 😅

    What would you do in my situation?
    And how did your friendship turn into a long distance relationship?

    Thanks for all the help and tips in advance!
    Last edited by Lizziie; April 3, 2020, 04:14 PM. Reason: Bad titel

    Long distance friendships/relationships rely wholly on open communication. I don't think asking for a video call after one week sounds too eager, and there's never anything wrong with making the first move. He may feel shy to ask you, so you asking takes the pressure off him. Or, if he's not interested in going any further, his response will probably let you know. In order for ldrs to work, both parties have to vocalize their wants and needs.

    My SO is from India, and we were "best friends" for over two years before I flew to India to meet him, whereupon we officially took upon the relationship label. By all accounts, we already had a relationship long before that, but I felt awkward saying I have a bf across the globe whom I've never met. :P However, we communicated every day, video called/phone called, etc etc. It's always a bit awkward starting out until you develop that base with the other person, but my only advice is communicate communicate communicate, even when it's awkward and embarrassing. It'll either bring you even closer, or show you that this person isn't right, because they can't meet you on that level.

    Ldrs rock but ldrs do also stink! Lol not to be too much of a downer, but make sure you're mentally and emotionally ready if you want to go forward! It's really really hard to be so far away from someone you care about, as I'm sure you're already realizing. Best wishes!


      Ask for it! Go for it!
      We have unprecedented times, you should definitely make the next move!

      GOOD LUCK!

      Relationship began: 05/22/2012
      First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
      Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
      Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
      Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
      Married: 1/24/2015
      Became Resident: 9/14/2015


        Oh, if we are talking about an Indian guy here he's definitely too shy to make the first move

