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Looking for a fellow LDR friend to help each other through this

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    Looking for a fellow LDR friend to help each other through this

    So, I’ve been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for around three years now, known him for five. We met for the first time last year, spent a whole amazing summer together, and then spent Christmas together. He’s in the state’s, I’m in the U.K. last time I saw him was January second, and was due to be flying out to see him this coming Saturday. Not only do I have to deal with the stress of now not getting to see him, there’s also struggles with rebooking and getting my booking agent to help me. I used to count down the days on my calendar, now I can’t even look at it, we were so close, and yet so far. Now, I’m stuck in lockdown, going crazy with the thought of when I’ll see him next, terrified I’ll have to wait until next year. He’s due to start a study visa application process soon, we’re hoping he’ll make it for a course due to start at the end of august, so we’ll finally get to be together, but even that I can’t rely on. I’m finding it really hard, I’d really like someone to talk to who’s going through a similar situation, so we can help each other through this, I know I’m not the only one. Don’t hesitate to drop me a message, I’d love to talk. Really need a friend to turn to who knows how it feels.

    I think a lot of us are in the same boat, this virus has put a strain on all LDRs for the most part. We just have to hang in there and remind ourselves that this wont last forever! I know it sucks but you will be with your SO again someday and waiting will make it all the more sweeter!
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


      You are not alone.

      As MsGrimm said there are many of us here on LFAD in the same situation.

      My SO has been gone a year now, to be with her mother who had two open heart surgeries last year, with a difficult recovery.

      My SO was waiting for her mother to be released from the hospital. And the day before the scheduled release they started the lockdown. Now the lockdown there has been extended another 15 days.

      It seems like every time things are looking better it gets worse. First the second heart surgery. Then a volcano. Then the lockdown. Then the extended lockdown.
      Last edited by OhioJim; April 27, 2020, 09:22 AM.

