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should we still continue after 5 years ldr

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    should we still continue after 5 years ldr

    we've been in ldr for 5 years and we met only twice. he came to visit once and i went there once. mostly because it's costly and we cant take any longer leave to visit

    we want to close the distance but financially he's unable to support me and i dont see much hope in getting a job there at the moment. while im qualified to sponsor him but im not in a better situation as i want to get a new job for better opportunities and pay to be able to sustain our living if he cant find a job here after some time.

    we both dont know what to do to close the distance and we somehow hardly see it coming because it's been long time. we both love each other and ready to have each other in our lives.

    i just need advices if we should move on or continue. i understand it's all depend on us but i just need some advices.
    Last edited by Happy_Girl; May 5, 2020, 11:07 AM.

    Originally posted by Happy_Girl View Post
    we both love each other and ready to have each other in our lives.
    If you still feel like that after 5 years, did you just answer your own question?

    You will find a way. This virus will not last forever.


      My SO and I have been long distance 5.5 years, with still no definite plan to close the distance. It's all up to you; no one can truly know what your situation is like or what's best for you. How do you envision your future?
      Best wishes!


        I believe you're almost there.

        If you've been able to stay together for so long you can make it happen. We'd need to know more details, but the only reason you named is money and automatically you said your situation isn't so bad... Maybe you just have to wait a few months, get a better job and make it happen.

        Though, despite my relationship is much shorter, honestly I also don't know for sure what to do to close the distance either. It isn't easy, but we're here because we don't want to give up easily. Right?
        Why am I always trying the impossible?


          If you both know you want to be together and both of you are willing to relocate. That seriously is half the battle. My advice is to make a plan. If Malaysia makes more sense to you, find out what is needed regarding immigration. How long you are able to support him with current income and the odds of you and/or him finding employment. What are both of your deal breakers, is he willing to move without a job etc.? Once you know that, you can think about the moving timeline or next steps

