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Jealous girlfriend?

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    Jealous girlfriend?

    So, recently my ldr boyfriend has started talking to a girl again who he used to talk to but it’s making me really jealous and feel like I’m being replaced.

    They’ve talked about hanging out and stuff they’re going to do together once quarantine has ended but some things to me seem more like flirting than just being friends but he doesn’t agree.

    Some things for example are her asking him for advice and help with things, opening up with personal things, cancelling plans with me to call with her for hours (7 hours the other night!!!)

    It’s causing a lot of arguments due to us both feeling complete opposite ways; I feel like he prefers her and is replacing me but he says that they‘re just best friends and I have no reason to worry.

    Do you have any advice on how to deal with this or am I right to feel like this?

    How long have you been together? Have they ever been friends or where they hanging out previosuly while they were "talking"?

    I'm all for having friends regardless of gender. But this feels weird. He is cancelling plans to talk to someone else and making plans. Is he still making fantasy plasn with you? Has his communication changed?


      We’ve been together just over a year now. They were friends before due to having mutual friends but lost contact but started talking again. Apart from the calling, his communication hasn’t really changed and when I kicked off he realised, made plans with me and stuck to it (but I’m not sure how often he’d stick to our plans)


        I'm just going to throw my experience into things for a moment.
        I've unwittingly called my guy when he was in the middle of his writing group, and on a separate occasion when he was about to have his lunch. Despite him being busy in both cases, he still picked up the phone to talk to me. I would've understood if he hadn't, but he did anyway.

        He should never cancel on you for someone else. That's just my opinion of course. But if I were in your position, I would be very hurt and concerned too. You are entitled to feel however you feel about it.
        But it sounds like you have spoken about it since, and gotten a positive result. Fingers crossed things stay positive for you.

