My boyfriend and I try to fall asleep together on Skype. We got together when he was deployed and started the habit over there. Now I can hardly sleep without it. It's a lot better when I'm falling asleep with him but we all have to settle at some point
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How do you sleep??
Well I've never really slept next to my SO before (during the visit mother wouldn't let me). Whenever I would lay next to him I couldn't really fall asleep, wasn't comfortable ^_^; So I sleep just fine without him *cough*. Although, if I don't get to properly say "goodnight" to him every night, I have difficulty sleeping. Or if we have an argument, I can't go to sleep with that as the last thing on my mind, so I may get back on and say sorry before I can sleep peacefully
We always phone before we go to bed and then fall asleep right away. On Skype we also go brushing our teeth at the same time, just like we are together, because it makes us feel closer to each other.
I am really thankful we do that, because i always miss him when i go to bed and sometimes even burst out crying because he is not there. When we phone before, then there is no problem for me. <3
I also have a stuffed animal with me and his used blanket, so i can hug those things :3
I wish we could keep skype conversations during the night, or call at night timeyou're so lucky!
He just doesn't have access to the internet after 5pm - and calling a cell phone from here is reeeeally expensive!!
During the first couple of weeks efter his departure I slept terribly - we're both cuddly people and literally sleep in eachothers' arms every night (- now there are probably some long-term couples out there shaking their heads at this obvious newly-in-love behaviourI know, most of my settled friends do.. haha)
Anyway, being used to that feeling it was almost impossible to get a full night's sleep on my own until I re-discovered one of my old teddy bears.. and not a regular teddy bear - a BIG one. he measures almost 4,5 feet from head to toe^^ (not exactly the same at my SO's 6'4" but still!)
In the first couple of weeks he was the stand-in for my SO, and it was much more life-like than a pillow because there was actually a shape next to you and shoulder to lie on
I started to gradually reduce the number of nights sleeping like that, and now, after my "detox" I only cuddle with one of his tshirts that I spray with his perfume..
- What also helps a lot are our sweet/flirty/funny "goodnight" texts.
I sleep with a teddy bear he bought me agggess ago when we were CDR and I used to sleep with it then before we moved out together.
Since we have got LDR I sleep with it again, but now with one of his dirty-ish shirts lol.. and when it doesn't smell like him anymore I spray some of his cologne on it. Not the same, but close.
I also have pretty bad anxiety, in that I can't sleep in complete darkness. When I used to sleep with him, it was a lot easier to sleep - I only had a very soft light on. As somone that usually sleeps in complete darkness, he is very understandingBut when I'm alone (and since my bedside table lamp broke) I pretty well sleep in full blown light, which makes it harder to sleep and I wake up quite a bit and toss and turn. I usually read/ stay on the net until/ drink until I fall asleep most nights.. lol
Hi I'm Thad, and I'm 28 years old and I sleep with a teddy bear... that I got from my girlfriend.
It's a really sweet story...
My best friend was known for getting people Build-a-Bears for special occasions, and I had helped her design them for people a few times. I had always wanted one, but I never got one. At some point, I had told my girlfriend, Cheryl, this, and a couple of times we had gone into the Build-a-Bear workshop together, but she could never find the right one for me. The day before we drove across the country to move me to grad school, I surprised Cheryl with a bear of her own -- a black lab puppy actually. He is named "Chance," and she loves him dearly. Helps her get through all those nights apart.
So she got a a bear from me, but she could never find the right one for me. As it turns out, she had previously had a Build-a-Bear that she had gotten in college as a gift for being in charge of the Habitat for Humanity group at her school -- his name was Hugh. She had shown him to me before, but I had forgotten about him.
Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago when I traveled from Massachusetts to Las Vegas to visit her for the weekend. I had classes from about 9 AM and I had a 6 hour flight, and so it was about 3AM my time when I got there. When I met her in the terminal, she was holding a Build-a-Bear box. As sweet as that was it was not the sweetest part. Granted I was touched by the gesture as no one else --even my best friend-- had ever given me one. I opened the box, and she asked me if I recognized the bear inside. I did not. I think this was mainly because I was exhausted from the long day and travel. She told me I would understand when I read the card inside.
As she drove us home from the airport, I read the card and got tears in my eyes.
It said:
"I may not be new but now I belong to you!
I was once loved very much but now she's got a new pup.
Can you love me as much as she loves you?"
Not only had she given me my first Build-a-Bear, but she had given me hers, Hugh.
I have to admit that I haven't had stuffed animals since I was a kid, but Hugh warms my night every night and reminds me so much of her.