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Falling out of love, not on purpose?

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    Falling out of love, not on purpose?

    Hey there
    I am in a long distance relationship with my partner and I’m struggling to figure out my feelings. He had to move away to work for 6 months starting April 2020 and won’t be back until late October 2020. In September 2020 we will be two years officially together. He’s so far away, I would have to drive 12 hrs to see him.
    When he first left, I was enthusiastic about making this work, we talked very often and sent pictures and had video chats. Loneliness has started to sink in now, I am struggling to accept all this empty space around me. It gets to me so much, most of the time now I dread talking on the phone because hearing his voice makes me sad because i miss him but for him it’s a treat because he misses me. He says he looks at our pictures all the time and I can’t bear to look at any because it hurts too much. We used to be together every single day, then went cold turkey. And it’s not his fault, I am very happy he went to pursue a desire and will keep supporting him. I’ve just never been in a long distance relationship, I don’t know what to with myself.
    When I really think about it, and try to be honest with myself, it’s almost like in order to cope and normalize the loneliness, I am beginning to get over him and finding happiness with being just by myself again.
    I know that many might suggest that alone time is essential and normal, I totally agree. However, I feel like I am liking it just being me again. Or perhaps that’s just a floating thought, I’m not sure if what I feel is concrete yet.
    I feel conflicted because I feel like our relationship was very stable before he left. He has helped me great deal emotionally and I am very grateful. But I know that I shouldnt stay in a relationship out of obligation. I know that I am the one with wavering feelings, he even expressed himself the slight worry that he might come back and I won’t feel the same. Please note he didn’t say WE’LL feel the same, I know he loves me dearly and is probably holding onto this relationship tighter than I am at the moment.
    What I’m asking for advice is how can I determine if this is just a temporary moment of weakness on my part or am I subconsciously moving on to be happy?

    I have been through phases where I couldn't look at photos of my fiance, because it hurt too much. It did turn again in time, but I don't think you can force it. I also have times when I feel more distant from him, and it does worry me. I'm currently going through one, in fact. I feel it is a combination of things that cause it for me, but my mental health doesn't help me in that regard. When I'm low and stressed, I do minimise contact with him, and he has done the same with me. It's very painful for both parties to endure, and I'm not sure that there is a quick fix.

    Maybe a starting point for you would be asking yourself: Who is the first person I want to share my happiness and good fortune with?


      A stable relationship is one that doesn't get broken or too shaken by obstacles... to me, a relationship doesn't really start until you find your first obstacle actually! many people out there are addicted to the Hollywood romance and will end the relationship when the honeymoon phase is over, but if they only had a bit of patience, the next wave of romance will hit you stronger because there is a bigger connection there. The only exception of course is if it's not a healthy relationship and there is any sort of abuse, then by all means run asap, don't waste your time there ever.

      It does sound to me that this might be your very first obstacle.

      So if you think he is a good guy, his plans are compatible with yours and you see having a happy future together then he might be worth the effort. Honestly 4 months is nothing if he is the right one and you could actually use this time to get to know each other better. Communication in LDR is usually much more effective than in normal relationships because you need to make up for the distance. Take this chance to talk about the future, get a new hobby and tell him about it, also give each other some space. It's ok to feel happy even when he is not around, don't feel guilty about this, it's also ok to miss him so much it hurts sometimes.

      Why not plan a visit in 2 months time? spend a week with him!

