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Spiritual Connection

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    Spiritual Connection

    During this Covid pandemic our church has been having drive-in services. Park in the parking lot and tune your car radio to 106.5FM and listen to the service as the minister preaches from the doorway.

    This past Sunday I was sitting there waiting for it to start and texting with my SO. She said she would send her presence. I interpreted that as meaning she was with me in spirit.

    Then during the sermon I had the strong feeling of someone being in the car with me. It was so strong that I turned and looked at the passenger seat.

    I knew it was her, and actually felt her hand on my arm.

    Then later I prayed that she would feel my arms around her. 12 hour time difference so she would have been in bed. At our next scheduled texting session she said she was laying in bed and felt something "funny"

    Anyone else ever had such a strong connection with your SO?

    When my SO and I are together in a car, I like to put my hand on his leg. The other day I was driving alone and I just reached over into the empty passenger seat. After I realized that he wasn't with me, I laughed to myself and carried on. Not sure if I had done it out of habit or if there was more going on.

    Also, there are a LOT of times where we will be thinking about each other and not even a second later we will get a message. It's happened on both of our ends more than once.
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


      I don't want to get off topic, but I find the Volikov test not very accurate at all.

      It did not have my home town listed so I had to use the nearest large city.

      And there was a statement about having to consider other factors, and to trust your 6th sense, so it leaves the results rather vague and open ended.


        I am interested in this. It seems so cool, and I hope this happens to me and my SO too.

        It's special, cherish it.


          Originally posted by MsGrim View Post
          there are a LOT of times where we will be thinking about each other and not even a second later we will get a message. It's happened on both of our ends more than once.
          I've had this quite often. And sometimes I feel like I can really feel her love, but I don't know if that is her sending me her love or just me feeling in love :-)


            Yes ABSOLUTELY!! This is how my relationship went from being friends to being in love. The spiritual connection was off the chain. We are only 5 hours difference in time zones, I now go to sleep around the same time as him. We hold each other as we are going to sleep. We are definitely together in spirit. If one of us is having a bad day or feeling sick it affects both of us. I especially know intuitively when something is bothering him. That’s great others are able to spiritually connect because who knows when Covid will allow us to see each other.


              Sounds interesting!


                OP here. I have another spiritual connection for you.

                Yesterday I had a minor surgical procedure. It went OK, but it took a long time for the anesthetic to completely wear off. About 30 hours.

                My SO and I have a 12 hour time difference, and she usually texts me in her evening, my morning. Add to that her internet provider is doing critical maintenance on their trans-pacific cable. So it surprised me when she texted me last night at what would be 6:00am for her.

                We chatted for a while, then she said that she wanted to check on me because she felt as if I wasn't doing very good. Which was true. We continued to chat for about an hour. I wasn't feeling any better but she did cheer me up quite a bit.

                Then this morning I asked her if we had a spiritual connection, and she agreed. 8365 miles apart and she knows when I am not feeling good!

