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When do you plan to close the distance with your partner?

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    When do you plan to close the distance with your partner?

    My boyfriend was supposed to move in with me august of this year, but due to the pandemic etc, that won’t be happening. We’re planning to close the distance by the middle of next year instead, as initially he was supposed to move to my country (UK) but due to circumstances it’ll be me moving to his country (US). I’m feeling really down about it since I was really excited to finally be together permanently, now it’s more months of being apart and waiting. How long until you close the distance with your partners? It’s nice to know I’m not alone in having my plans postponed, and hearing stories from fellow people struggling with the same issues of time.
    Last edited by Woweth; September 22, 2020, 08:08 AM.

    Well if its ANY consolation, we don't have plans to close the distance lol... at least you have a target date.

    Stupid Pandemic.
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


      Originally posted by MsGrim View Post
      Well if its ANY consolation, we don't have plans to close the distance lol... at least you have a target date.

      Stupid Pandemic.
      Darn, that must be difficult for you. It is nice to have a date to work forward to, but at the same time I know how it feels to have the date lengthened and changed, which sucks as all the planning and preparation was for nothing. Hopefully the world is in a better place by next year, and we can get what we want, but who knows. I just have to embrace how lucky I was to even see my boyfriend during this as I know many couples can’t, and won’t be able to for a long time due to border closures and restrictions.


        I've learned to live with it for now. The reality is, we're just not there yet and I'm okay with that. I just want to see him!
        ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


          I'm afraid to say anything because it might jinx it. We have thought before 2 or 3 times that it would happen, but something always came up. The last time being this past March when the quarantines started.

          But sometime in the next 6 weeks. Don't have a firm date yet.


            Originally posted by OhioJim View Post
            But sometime in the next 6 weeks. Don't have a firm date yet.
            That's amazing! Congrats! I will keep my fingers crossed for you two!
            ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


              Originally posted by asya47
              Each person has a role to play in your life. I am of the opinion that it is necessary to very carefully select your circle of loved ones. I test people using the Volikov test. You enter the date and time of birth and get a complete, free analysis of his character. All cockroaches will also be opened, and you already decide for yourself whether this is your person or not.
              You lost me. Please explain how this relates to the topic of this thread.


                We met online near the beginning of covid and struck an amazing connection I haven't ever felt before. We are both dying to see each other, originally aiming for August then November (at the latest) but November is looking more and more unlikely as it gets closer, so now we're aiming early in the new year. It is hard though, not having a definite date.
                OHioJim, I've got my fingers crossed for you. It's been 2 years hasn't it?


                  Originally posted by D_M View Post
                  ....OHioJim, I've got my fingers crossed for you. It's been 2 years hasn't it?
                  17 months


                    Originally posted by OhioJim View Post
                    I'm afraid to say anything because it might jinx it. We have thought before 2 or 3 times that it would happen, but something always came up. The last time being this past March when the quarantines started.

                    But sometime in the next 6 weeks. Don't have a firm date yet.
                    Always exciting when closing the distance (or even just a meeting) is on the horizon. Good luck, and keep us posted!
                    "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
                    -Charles Dickens


                      At least 3 years We are very newly distanced and both in school
                      I wish we had an exact date to look forward to.
                      Hopefully we can plan a visit for next summer though!

                      I'm sorry COVID ruined your plans


                        My bf and I have had a lot of struggles during this pandemic, but we are both staying positive because it will not keep us apart forever. Our plan is for him to move over January 2022, I made it clear that it will not be changed lol. This pandemic has certainly made us feel lonely since he was suppose to visit in the summer and hopefully try this December, but remember that it isn't forever and continue to look forward on the positive side which are the plans set in stone to close the distance <3.


                          Originally posted by MsGrim View Post
                          Well if its ANY consolation, we don't have plans to close the distance lol... at least you have a target date.

                          Stupid Pandemic.
                          Same here it's really rough, friend.
                          Even though I think I knew in the back of my mind, it just settled in for me yesterday that we probably won't get to visit each other next summer because of the pandemic. This possible visit has been the only thing getting me though the last few months while knowing my partner would be leaving. I think I was only now ready to accept that this is seeming less and less likely by the day. (My city just declared it is a red zone again - meaning a second wave.)
                          because god knows I will be on the first possible flight as soon as travel restrictions lift! sigh...


                            Hope this year...


                              Waiting to close the distance is what is killing me. And the fact that my BF is a male nurse and works with females. Ha! But we got about 2 years left before my daughter graduates and I move to him. Lately it has been ROUGH. Even with a definite time I feel so hopeless sometimes. But I remind myself it’s been almost 3 years already, another 2ish is nothing. However, a big glass of wine, some overthinking and a good cry does wonders. Lol. Happy long distance loving to you all!!!

