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Covid and Relationship thoughts

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    Covid and Relationship thoughts

    This pandemic has been so crazy over the last months. It saddened me that our plans were cancelled in the summer, and now our Christmas plans are threatened too . We are gonna try to get my bf over here safely for that time but idk, that plan is in process atm. What I do worry about is how his family is acting during all this. They haven't taken a lot of the dangers serious and were having gatherings during the peak. It really frustrated me and how he was basically guilted into attending as well.

    We had a few arguments during these months about him attending the gathering and other small things. It's like this pandemic is testing LDR couples into seeing how long they can go without each other around ;-;. Despite our spats, I reacted mainly out of fear and worry, I couldn't imagine life without him if he somehow caught the virus from being among family members. He realized how he messed up and from then one he has denied all invites and promised me that he wouldn't do that again until it is safe to do so. My family hasn't gone out of the house for anything in stores since the lockdown began, except for just getting groceries pick up style. It is frustrating that he is the one who has to look out for himself, he has tried to tell others about how they should be more careful but it's as if no one listens. -.-

    Currently, he keeps inside a small tent he made around his bed, and wears his mask when doing chores. I may sound paranoid, but i'd rather us be paranoid and survive in the end. I love him so much and I really appreciate the lengths he has gone to try and stay safe more, especially if we wanna try to attempt our December plans. If we cannot, then I told him we will meet up whenever it will be safe. We made 6 years not seeing together in person, while it can be harder since we have gotten a taste of being with each other irl it is worth the wait for him <3. Plus, we have plans set in stone on when to close the distance.

    Videoing, texting, and doing the small things help us move on together each day. We can make it through this pandemic, and we will all make it out stronger than ever!

    Just had to type out some thoughts. ^^ <3