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First meeting... stories please :)

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    First meeting... stories please :)

    Hi there.

    I’m currently dating a guy from South Africa. We was supposed to meet this year but with everything going on that won’t be possible. We are hoping for next year (I am from the UK)

    Anybody else from UK or South Africa in the same position?

    Also because we haven’t met I have all these crazy thoughts of how it’s going to be. But I’d love to hear some stories of all your first meeting and was it how you expected, etc?

    Thanks x

    This is probably my favorite story to tell

    We are both in the US! We met on a mobile RPG game.

    My guild and I were fighting the world boss and we had him close to dead. All of a sudden the rival guild (they were #1 in the server and we were #2) came over, killed us all, killed our boss, and then stole our loot! World chat started to blow up with mad shit talking lol!! I thought it was funny so I chimed in with "cant we all get along". Next thing I know I received a private message asking me if I played this other game. He had seen my name before and thought it was me. Even though it wasn't we continued talking.. A LOT!

    It was funny because he was an officer in the rival guild. We were each others "inside man". I would get messages like "hey, my guild is on the way to attack yours" so I would let my guild know and while we weren't as strong we were still able to defend just a little. Survival of the fittest I suppose Anyways! My guild eventually fell apart and I joined his. Once I was accepted I started running raids with them. They were super difficult so they required Discord chat. I remember the 1st time I heard his voice, I literally had to mute my mic lol. He was leading the raid, giving everyone directions, being in charge. Sexy af

    We met in person 2 months later. We were, at the time, only 6 hours apart by car. We decided to meet 1/2 and spent the weekend together. We talked during the drive (3 hours for each of us) and the nerves got stronger and stronger as I reached our destination. The first time I saw him, he was walking out of the hotel lobby. I did this weird hop, skip, jump and we gave each other this big hug. It was a little awkward at first being around each other but we eventually became more comfortable by the end of that 1st night. We didn't do much. In fact we spent most of the weekend cooped up in the room just spending quality time together. We did go to dinner a few times, coffee, and a movie. It was better than I could have imagined. We clicked in person just as much as we did over the phone and its just been amazing ever since.
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


      Mine was actually just pretty basic, as we met on a dating app, and had a meetup in the park lol. She was here from The Philippines and got stranded because of COVID, and we met on the dating app while she was here and started dating and decided to get together. =)


        We met 7 years ago online. He drove 2,500 kms to visit me for our first date. We dated for 4.5 years long distance before closing the distance and getting married 2 years ago. It was tough as my husband left his state and job to relocate to me. In that period of distance I was caring for my Dad who passed away from cancer but my hubby was lucky enough to spend time with him and got his blessing before proposing. We have just a week ago welcomed our first child into the world and are enjoying every moment with her. I remember during distance wondering if we’d make it and thinking how hard it was. I’m so glad we stuck it out and I often encouraged everyone on this forum to not lose hope. As long as you are both committed to making it work it is possible to close the distance.


          Our story is super cute and I love to tell it

          We met in high school. I had just moved to the US as a 15yo and he just moved to my state with his family. So it was a new beginning for both of us We quickly became friends and eventually best friends while dating other people. I had a small crush on him from the start because he's always been really smart and I am crazy attracted to intelligence. I now fondly think of our relationship back in high school and I cherish those memories even though it was a tough time for the both of us in terms of mental health.

          He graduated high school a year before me and went on to join the military. I always thought that was really attractive because 1. men in uniform are sexy and 2. because he was able to support himself and become independent of his parents. After graduating, I went to college and we stayed in touch though we grew apart a little. It wasn't until my senior year when I went to visit him that we reconnected in many new ways We became crazy in love and the rest is history. Still waiting for my happy ending and closing the distance though. The one big problem with the military is that you can't quit whenever you want
          Last edited by Froshie; November 4, 2020, 10:12 AM.


            We met online back in 2011 when we were about 14 & 15. He was in Australia and I lived in the US. We really connected and became very close friends in a few months. We would Facetime and talk everyday since we started dating. Since we were still in high school at the time, we had to wait till we graduated before meeting in person. I graduated high school a year early which meant I was 17. I started saving up money to fly over to meet him after graduating. Since I was still a minor, my mom was planning to come with me due to me going all the way overseas to meet someone. Something happened where my mom wasn't able to come along and she cancelled the plans and told me I would have to wait till I was 18. I was able to convince her to let me visit by myself and my SO's parent's even talked to my mom to assure her that I would be well looked after. The plans were that I would fly to Australia and stay for 6 months (to meet him and also be a tourist. It was also a nice way to treat myself after finishing school)

            I was able to go by myself and meet my SO which was so amazing! I remember that we didn't Facetime a few days before meeting in person because we wanted it to be special. We texted off and on when I was at the airport before leaving for Sydney, Aus. We were both so nervous about meeting for the first time after video chatting for such a long time. We Facetimed and texted all the time before meeting though, so it was very exciting to meet in person. I know my SO was waiting forever at the airport because I had to go through customs and find my luggage.

            When I walked out, I didn't know what he was wearing, so I was just kind of looking around for him everywhere. But when we locked eyes, I sorted of ran towards him lol. We hugged for the longest time and he was sweet enough to bring me a flowers! Apparently my SO said, "You're shorter in person." which I didn't even hear him say and I would have laughed anyway. It was still such an amazing moment for us, to actually physically touch each other. We got the whole thing on video too also, so we're going to play that at our wedding.

            Long distance definitely works out if both people are committed. I moved to Australia in 2016 when we unexpectedly proposed to me when I surprised visited him (I only intended to stay a few months) and we decided then we didn't want to do long distance anymore. We are getting married next year and had our first baby together 5 weeks ago. It's been a long journey, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

