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OK, sadly, this is where I am at

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    OK, sadly, this is where I am at

    This might be a bit long, sorry, but I really think I need some advice on how to proceed with my SO. We are not in a good place right now.

    For a long time now, tensions had been strained. He blames me and my life and how I handle my affairs over here (I often have a lot going on, being separated with two children) Anyway, about a month ago we had an argument. I was planning a move which meant I had to decide what school they would transfer to or even if they would transfer and when. I told my SO I wanted his help in going through the situation together on the phone. I told him as much as I could and the concerns I have. He was very quiet and eventually he accused me of making all the decisions myself and that it was a waste of time talking to me. We ended the call on a bad note.

    Just prior to this call, my SO had been quiet for the previous week due to his work situation. He didn't want to talk to me about it and so I didn't press him on it, but it created some distance between us. After our phone call, I apologised for bringing my life drama into our relationship and not making it easy for him to know how to help me and causing him stress. He thanked me for my apology.

    After this, I became increasingly upset and emotional. He seems to blame me for everything that ever happens between us, including this phone call. I feel that because I apologised that he now thinks that I was entirely at fault and he plays no part in our problems. He doesn't even seem to realise that, up until that phone call, he had been shutting me out and not discussing the work issues he was facing with me at all. Then he gets angry at me that I don't work with him as a team to figure out the issues in my life and with my family. It makes me feel terrible.

    This happened about a month ago, and for almost 3 weeks now we have not written a word to each other. Our last interaction was a chat online where he told me he did not want to interact with me when I am emotional and he said I was self obsessed with my feelings and too toxic to keep around. I told him this was messing me up too much and that I need a longer break. We basically stopped conversing at that point. Now, it's almost 3 weeks later and I don't know what to do.

    I am pretty sure that he is waiting for me to reach out to him, because I said I needed a break. The thing is, he has initiated all of our breaks prior to this one and I have always reached out to him to make it clear how much I care about him. He has even said that he thinks that if I am at fault then it is my duty to fix the relationship. Right now, I am sure he thinks everything is my fault (and he wouldn't consider the bigger picture that I tried to explain earlier) so I am fairly certain he won't reach out to me. During our last argument, he even admitted to me that he wouldn't have reached out to me if I had not done so myself:/

    Anyway, this is where I am at now. I honestly feel that I cannot reach out to him and it doesn't matter how sorry or how much I love him. There was one time in the beginning when everything was very hard with my family and I was ready to give up, he chased me back then and convinced me to stay. This was 2 years ago and, ever since then and all our fights, he has always expected me to be the one to make things good again. If I were to message him now, I don't think I could ever trust that he truly wants to be with me.

    I just don't know what to do now. I don't think we are broken up because we left it with me saying I wanted a break. Is it too much of me to expect him to have checked in with me after 3 weeks of silence? Should I be messaging him trying to make amends, even though this will destroy any faith I had left in him? Am I being a coward and I should just send him a message to confirm that things are over between us?

    Please, I really need some thoughts and advice here, because I am probably responsible for perpetuating this limbo for myself and another person and I don't want to do the wrong thing.

    "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
    -Charles Dickens

    Sorry to hear you are going through this! I think for closure and your emotional well being you need to reach out and confirm things are over. Like you said, he won’t reach out. Personally, I think his silence of 3 weeks says it all, but hearing it directly from him might be what you need in order to move on. I hope you get the closure you deserve.


      Thanks Redheart. Why do you think he hasn't ended it himself? Could it really be that he just doesn't care enough to do so?
      "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
      -Charles Dickens


        I think there is rarely an argument where only one side is at fault. You should not have to think twice about sharing what is stressing you, and for him to flip it around and add more stress to you is immature at least, emotionally abusive at worst. A relationship cannot survive if only one person is fighting for it and taking all the blame for conflict just to patch up the wounds. Reaching out might provide closure, or it might reopen the wounds: only you can decide if it's worth it. Like Redheart said, his silence speaks volumes. Sorry you're going thru very best wishes to you!


          I think Redheart and autumn are right in saying you need to reach out for closure. Just be careful not to give mixed signals, don't let him believe you are reaching out to take blame and try and make amends. I am sorry you are going through this, it certainly not the best feeling <3 *HUGS*

          He doesn't seem to be putting forth any effort to make things right or any effort to progress the relationship when you weren't taking a break. Not everything is your fault and he needs to realize that. Best of luck!!!!
          ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


            Originally posted by vivid_idea View Post
            Thanks Redheart. Why do you think he hasn't ended it himself? Could it really be that he just doesn't care enough to do so?
            I guess only he knows the answer to that and hopefully you’ll find out soon. Please let us know how it goes.


              Thanks guys. I will probably reach out in the next few days, to end things officially. I still feel weird and upset about it, and I'm not sure if I am strong enough to deal with the two most likely reactions I will get: Cold confirmation/agreement that things are over OR a barrage of angry comments about how disappointed he is.

              I am not even sure what to say to someone after almost a month of silence. This is someone I spoke with multiple times a day, every day, for two years. It's bizarre that we are at this point. I guess I just wish there would be some acknowledgement that we both tried really hard, and even though we couldn't make it work, we both shared a dream together that meant a lot to us both for a long time.

              Instead, I am worried that it will be a harsh cut from him, and nothing more. Maybe that will make it easier to let the dream go, anyway...

              Oh I am rambling, sorry!
              "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
              -Charles Dickens


                Originally posted by vivid_idea View Post
                .....OR a barrage of angry comments about how disappointed he is.....
                If that is the reaction you get, then it will be a confirmation that you made the right decision.

                What you have been saying, about how he throws everything back at you, is just a small sample of what it would be like if you continued. And I predict that it would be a lot worse, even physically dangerous for you.

                Even if he sees the light and promises to do better, can you trust him?


                  Originally posted by vivid_idea View Post
                  Thanks guys. I will probably reach out in the next few days, to end things officially. I still feel weird and upset about it, and I'm not sure if I am strong enough to deal with the two most likely reactions I will get: Cold confirmation/agreement that things are over OR a barrage of angry comments about how disappointed he is.

                  I am not even sure what to say to someone after almost a month of silence. This is someone I spoke with multiple times a day, every day, for two years. It's bizarre that we are at this point. I guess I just wish there would be some acknowledgement that we both tried really hard, and even though we couldn't make it work, we both shared a dream together that meant a lot to us both for a long time.

                  Instead, I am worried that it will be a harsh cut from him, and nothing more. Maybe that will make it easier to let the dream go, anyway...

                  Oh I am rambling, sorry!
                  Here if you need to talk


                    Thank you for all your words everyone.

                    Ohiojim - no, I no longer have any trust in him nor faith in the relationship :/

                    I am just hesitating to make contact because of how much I still love him. It’s really hard when you know it’s not working but you still love them so much. It might undo the distance the past month has created (emotionally, for me) but I feel it is extremely wrong for us to fade out of each other’s lives after a fight and after I requested a break.

                    I know I have to get back in touch, but I am afraid to.
                    "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
                    -Charles Dickens


                      Advice for your relationship

                      Originally posted by vivid_idea View Post
                      This might be a bit long, sorry, but I really think I need some advice on how to proceed with my SO. We are not in a good place right now.

                      Please, I really need some thoughts and advice here, because I am probably responsible for perpetuating this limbo for myself and another person and I don't want to do the wrong thing.

                      WHAT SHOULD I DO NEXT?
                      Okay so there's a lot here. First of all I want to say I'm sorry for what you're going through. No one deserves to feel how you feel. I've been through a long distance relationship similar to the way you described your SO, and I feel like I can shed some light. First of all, when you said, "He has even said that he thinks that if I am at fault then it is my duty to fix the relationship. Right now, I am sure he thinks everything is my fault (and he wouldn't consider the bigger picture that I tried to explain earlier) so I am fairly certain he won't reach out to me. During our last argument, he even admitted to me that he wouldn't have reached out to me if I had not done so myself:/", this was a big red flag to me. If he thinks everything is your fault, this is so wrong. It sounds like he is refusing to take responsibility for any of his part in the fights, or relationship at all. It is never just your fault, there are two sides to every relationship. It sounds like there is no dual perspective, which is much needed in every relationship. One of the biggest issues in LDR's is the "unequal effort invested by two partners". It sounds like you definitely have this going on, and are putting in most of the effort since you're the one who keeps going back. You are doing the majority of the work to keep the relationship going, and that's how I was too. As well as him saying it was a waste of time talking to you, there is so much toxicity there, and hurtful things. You should not have to put up with that, and if he truly loved you he would not be saying such hurtful things. He has had no remorse either, which is even more concerning. I think it is best if you decide you deserve more and move on from this. You did nothing wrong when describing your feelings to him. "He didn't want to talk to me about it and so I didn't press him on it, but it created some distance between us." It is okay for someone to not always want to talk about something, but he needed to be open with you. My SO did the same thing, and it created so much divide between us. I assure you that you'll find someone with healthy communication skills. Lastly, he called you self-obsessed which worries me. Calling someone self-obsessed just because they express their feelings to you, is very manipulative and is gas-lighting, and I know this because I went through it too. I'm in a healthy relationship now, trust me it'll be the best thing for you to move forward in your life without him. It'll be hard, but having positive and healthy communication is a necessary component to happiness in your life. Good luck on your journey!


                        Originally posted by vivid_idea View Post
                        Thank you for all your words everyone.

                        Ohiojim - no, I no longer have any trust in him nor faith in the relationship :/

                        I am just hesitating to make contact because of how much I still love him. It’s really hard when you know it’s not working but you still love them so much. It might undo the distance the past month has created (emotionally, for me) but I feel it is extremely wrong for us to fade out of each other’s lives after a fight and after I requested a break.

                        I know I have to get back in touch, but I am afraid to.
                        I know you’re afraid to, that’s ok to feel like that. You also owe yourself the closure of this so you can emotionally grieve and then begin to heal. You’ve been through so much in the 3 weeks of silence and you deserve an answer from him.


                          Thanks Megant24,

                          When I read your words it makes me feel more grim thinking about everything. I’m sure I made lots of mistakes, and I know I stressed him out all the time when things weren’t going so great with me here. But, yeah, he also can be so harsh and critical. I feel like I need to reset myself and remember my value.

                          It’s strange, at first I could barely stop myself from reaching out to him, and now I practically can’t bear imagining getting in touch. Things can change a lot when you step back for a bit of time.

                          He still says nothing, so I will try not to feel guilty for being weak and not opening the channel today. I hope this doesn’t make me dishonourable :/
                          "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
                          -Charles Dickens


                            Thanks Redheart14,

                            At least atm I feel distant and kind of numb. I know that getting responses from him now would rattle my resolve and likely make me feel guilty about something or other that I did wrong
                            "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
                            -Charles Dickens


                              Oh I'm really sorry for you Vivid_Idea that you're going through this. My heart goes out to you and I hope it gets easier quickly. Take care.

