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Sad and confused

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    Sad and confused

    My bf and I had been talking for a little over a year. We were very into each other and towards the time to meet he was super excited and so was I. He was sure this would be the most memorable event so in his life. So sweet.

    The day had come and I meet him at the hotel in my town where we decided to meet. I came to the room, knocked, and there he is. Grant it shorter than he said but I was okay with it. Sure we both were freaking out and insecure. We kissed immediately and went for it. Keep in mind he's not perfect but I accept it. I love him for him. Of course, I'm not perfect by far also.

    We decided to go to eat. Things were still awkward and I was clamming up. I was in shock almost that he was there. At dinner, things were a bit had but we talked and we're back to the hotel. He was tired from the drive and said he wants to go to bed. So we did. Now, I have to stop and say this we discussed beforehand and that I may have to leave and come back due to my kid with special needs. Well, I had to leave at midnight that night. When I got up to leave I grabbed all my stuff because it had my things for the next day. He got up with me and committed that he knew something this would happen. I got ready and we agreed to meet up at 7 am. So I thought.

    I was home asleep and I get a text at 4 am he is proceeding to check out and he doesn't foresee himself wanting to see me anymore. I was devasted. I text back and ask what I did wrong. He said nothing at all, it's always him and headed to his friend 3 hrs away. I called he answered and I ask again what was wrong. He said he felt used and the way I grabbed all my things I think he took it personally. He said he didn't want to come back. You do you and ill do me he said. We hung up. In panic mode now. I was and text how I feel about him. He texts back that he appreciates it but leave him the f___ alone. Blocks me from everything. I'm so confused and hurt. I can't sleep , eat or anything. What do you think happened?
    Last edited by Jenmar75; November 24, 2020, 03:58 PM. Reason: Make it more understandable

    The only thing I can see is, did you tell him ahead of time that you had a special needs child you had to take care of?

    If you did not, then I don't blame him for feeling like that.

    My suggestion is to apologize. If he doesn't respond in a positive manner, then count it as a learning experience and move on with your life. Yes, it hurts and you are confused but if he does not turn around I don't know what else you can do.

    You will certainly have enough support and encouragement from members on this forum.


      Yes, we did discuss this ahead of time. He told me he understood and if I needed to leave and come back to do so. I feel like maybe he decided he didn't like me or thought I was trying to find a way out. I tried to clarify but he would not accept it.


        Since you told him ahead of time and he said he understood....

        When you took everything with you maybe he thought you were not coming back.

        Consider this.... It is probably not what you want to hear, but did you consider that he was just using you. He got what he wanted and left.

        Either way, I know it is hard to deal with and you are hurt. It will take you a while to get over it, but don't punish yourself.


          Yes, I did consider this. I would hope after a year of absolute contact and investment that it wasn't true. A lot of effort for a one night stand. Even though he said he was staying the whole week and was super excited about our plans. Why play the game for so long and so hard? Thanks for your insights. I need the support. Im hurting so much.

