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First meeting gone wrong

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    First meeting gone wrong

    I have another post on here about my SO leaving me not long after our first meeting. Since then I got in contact with him and my worst fear is true.

    His words to me were " you are an amazing person but we are not meant to be and it's that simple." Proceeded by " now plz I never want to talk to you again." Needless to say, I am beyond devastated.

    Long story short. He came to see me on a Sunday night. I met him at his hotel and he was going to stay all week.
    We meet in the room and he took my stuff and kissed me. We wound up on the couch and things happened. Not long after we decided to get out and eat. It was awkward but okay so I thought. We eat and head back. He says he tired and gets ready for bed and I follow. Nothing happens he rolls over and goes to sleep. At midnight my sitter calls and my son needs his meds in my car. So I have to leave. He just says come back at 7 am and we will do what we had planned. At 4 am he text that he is checking out and that he doesn't foresee wanting to see me anymore.

    I ask what I did wrong and he said nothing at all it's just always me. I get nothing for a while and I call. At this point is sounds annoyed and says you do you and ill do me.
    A week so so has passed and I finally text him. Asking what went wrong but in my heart, I knew. When I look back I could see he didn't like my looks or me. It all makes sense now.
    I need help trying to get this. He was super excited to see me. We had for months discussed our insecurity. I even sent pic of the parts of me that I didn't like from where I had babies. He still wanted and accepted me and wanted me for who I was inside and out. So what went wrong. I'm so hurt. I can't eat, sleep or anything.

    Hi Jenmar,
    I am so sorry to read this. It must be devastating.
    I am in a situation where I haven't yet met my SO, and as the day fast approaches (waiting for news on borders) I cannot even conceive of acting like that. We have seen each other on vidchat, for many hours talking and I have seen her looking different, tired, laughing, sad etc. I think I know what she looks like. I've never done this before so don't know if I should expect she will look different. But I can't imagine a situation where I would be leaving like that and have such a change of heart. I don't think it can have been looks if you have also done vidchatting.
    So I'm left thinking that as hard as this is for you right now, you have just dodged a bullet and are much better off without him. He cannot even deal with you honestly to give you some closure. Just remember, you were brave, you took a chance, and it was the wrong guy. Let him go with thanks because, what a wanker! You're better off without him.
    And most of all, be kind to yourself. Take care.


      Thank you so much. I needed to hear what you said. I thought if he cared enough about me, he would've fought for the relationship more. Also thought he was a least the kind of person that would sit down and tell me he doesn't like me.
      I hope you don't suffer the same fate as I. Good luck and thank you again.

