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Feeling neglected...

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    Feeling neglected...

    I know my boyfriend's schedule is packed and I know he's busy and all that, but I wish he would put aside just a little time for me. I mean, this week on Sunday he was too tired from hanging out with his friends all week to talk, then Monday we video chatted for a little bit, then Tuesday we barely talked, then Wednesday he was too tired to talk and now he's saying he's RPing tonight so he wont' talk, then tomorrow he's getting together with his friends again for the weekend so we won't talk till Sunday night when he'll be too tired to talk and start the whole cycle over again! I just feel like crying right now but I can't tell him that I need more time or else he'll feel like I'm being too clingy and I don't want to bother him at all.

    More than a couple of hours three days a week is not being clingy, imo. I'd be asking for more. In a relationship even if it's an LDR your needs should be getting met. *Hugs*
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      I should probably tell him I need more time...I just don't want him to feel obligated.


        TALK ABOUT IT! =D Tell him how you feel Let him know you FEEL like the phone calls etc are less frequent or's my experience with it. If you use 'you do this' 'you do that' phrases people tend to get defensive. But if you say 'I FEEL like...' people are more likely to listen and consider your point. (IN GENERAL, its not guaranteed lol) it's important to stay calm though. And if emotions get too high and arguments start I'd say make an agreement that things are too heated and you'll both step away, calm down, consider one another's side, and then talk about it later or the next day.

        Oo. Our biggest argument (if that's what you want to call it), but this is our biggest disagreement. When we first starting dating I'd get those random "I love you" texts or "just thinking of you texts" and he actually asked that I call him between my classes when possible so he could hear my voice. We talked for a bit every night, texted now and then through the day, and webcamed. Well I started feeling neglected. He was spending a lot of time on his video games.
        I told him that I felt we hadn't been talking much and I never got texts from him anymore. After a few days of arguments and disagreements over it, the stress from school and this lead to a six pack and an emotional me. With a big ole disagreement and me crying the whole phone call.

        THE NEXT DAY!
        I saw it from his point of view and asked him to see it from my point of view. He's in the Army and I understand his job can get stressful. I can understand his game is his way of winding down and zoning out, but he is my way of de-stressing. Whether its just to hear his voice, to talk about whats bothering me, to get advice. I explained to him I wasn't trying to bother him, it's just he's my best friend and anytime I have anything to share he's one of the first people I want to tell. I emailed him bc I'm better with words that way. Once I explained my side and let him know I did understand him things got much better. We actually have been talking A LOT and webcamming more than once a week, he came close to being deployed and I think it made us both realize how great it was that we COULD talk.

