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    So, lately I became more protective of my ex. My friends tell me that it's unhealthy to still cry over someone who hurt me but it's like a whole bottle of mixed emotions inside me. I get more uneasy every time I see him like a picture of a girl who is more attractive then me.. Is it wrong of me to feel this way? I get angry or just upset if he doesn't even reply to me within 10 mins. I feel like a complete creep for even getting possessive over him. He is his own person but I just don't like other girls around him, it just makes my feelings worse every time.

    I might be getting obsessed with him. Of course it is scaring me and I want him more then I should. Please give me advise if this seems normal to feel this way?

    Good old fashion jealousy , is one of the things i suffer from in my LDR , i wish i could give you advice , but sadly i cant . But I do know that some jealousy is healthy and when i gets to obsessive it can turn destructive. Hes your X now , and you need to understand that its ok for him to be around other girls , he cant possibly date every girl thats not realistic . When you hang around other boys , hes told you he gets jealous . So its quite natural . My only advice could be distract , distract , distract yourself as much as possible.�� its an important issue in a lot of LDR relationships , jealousy and obsessiveness .


      I know it may be tough, but you have to give yourself something to do! Get some hobbies or if you're anything like me, finish the other 10 projects you started but haven't finished. I'm not sure what social media platform you use, but you should maybe delete/unfollow him. Even if you wanted to remain friends, you still need that time to heal from the relationship ending. You can always reconnect in the future if you wanted that friendship back.. But 1st you need to take care of yourself.

      I've been there before, trust me! Obsessing over an ex is a nightmare and a rabbit hole that is so hard to climb out of. I think the 1st step though, is to step completely away from him. No contact, no checking his page and seeing what hes been up to. You have to walk away from this.
      ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


        It is true , hobbys are a must when your apart . My LDR has losds if hobbies , i tell him hes my hobby . He he but seriously we got to live and do things that make us happy . Wasting energy on things that dont count is not productive it just makes you think more bad things he he

