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The Little Things..

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    The Little Things..

    Has anyone ever said something to you about your relationship that they thought was just an innocent comment, but in reality, really hurt..?

    One of my friends referred to my boyfriend as my 'penpal' and then she just smiled.. I smiled back at her, but I was really hurt by it..

    I'm just wondering is it just me being too sensitive about the whole situation or do the little things bother others too..
    Although this distance breaks my heart,
    And it's unbearable when we're apart,
    I know that it will all be fine,
    As my heart is yours,
    And yours is mine.. <3

    I think, to an extent, all of us may be a little over sensitive when it comes to people making comments about our LDR's, just because most people who have never been in one don't understand how difficult it is, and how much more of a commitment it is than most. That being said, I don't think you are wrong for having your feelings hurt....Some of my family members refer to my SO as my "friend" since we're not physically together and that does bother me on occasion. The important thing is that YOU know it's more than that!


      I'm with blankita on this one. People ask about my "friend" all the time. How hard is it to add 'boy-' in front of it? They also give me this look like... almost like the way some skeptical person might look at a little kid who's talking about being Superman when they grow up. It's that sense that they don't really believe a LDR can be achieved, or is possible. That usually comes from married older people. A couple of times (this might be mean to say) I've thought to myself "My LDR has more love and connection in it then your marriage does. What does that say about you?" But usually, I know that people are asking about it because they care; whether they understand it or not isn't important.


        Ya, it hurts too. One of my co workers calls him my "internet boy". I usually just let it roll off, but sometimes it hurts. If you have never had an LDR you don't understand. Only you know how you feel about him, and that is all that matters.


          I haven't had any friends say things like that but what hurts me is when my mom calls my SO a friend, she knows we are dating but yet when I'm going to visit she tells people I'm going to visit my friend... almost like shes embarrassed to let people know of my relationship with Clay or something
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            Whenever anyone ask if I have a boyfriend one of the first thing people ask is, "How did you meet?" And when I say that I met him online, they always look at me like what? I always feel like I have to stand up for my relationship, it gets annoying after awhile.


              Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
              Whenever anyone ask if I have a boyfriend one of the first thing people ask is, "How did you meet?" And when I say that I met him online, they always look at me like what? I always feel like I have to stand up for my relationship, it gets annoying after awhile.
              Yes! This too!


                Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
                Whenever anyone ask if I have a boyfriend one of the first thing people ask is, "How did you meet?" And when I say that I met him online, they always look at me like what? I always feel like I have to stand up for my relationship, it gets annoying after awhile.
                I third this. Whenever they say "ah" or "Oh...", There's usually an awkward silence, like they don't believe me or that I'm making him up.
                I don't get that much negativity from my friends about my LDR, but my two guy friends will try to put him down because of the hard times we've been through in our relationship. It gets REALLY annoying after a while and I'm almost tempted to tell them, "Until YOU'RE in an LDR, Don't you dare try to tell me what I should and shouldn't do."
                You're not being oversensitive at all, Emma. Everyone here most likely either has friends or have encounter people who express negativity about their LDRs. It sucks, but sadly, it's a part of the job.


                  I told a friend that I've met my soulmate and he told me I didn't know shit because I've never met Adam in person. I mean WTF???????????? When you know, you just KNOW, regardless of how you've met. I don't bother mentioning how we met in passing. If I mention Adam in conversation, I refer to him as my partner who is living overseas at the moment. I can't be stuffed dealing with the judgement and stupidity that gets chucked at me. (I'm not very tolerant of narrow minded people. ) I love him, he loves me, we know that we're soulmates, and that's all I care about.


                    Now I'm back at uni and I'm back to meeting new people everyday, everytime I mention my SO, they are interested, then I mention he's still in America and I get the "Oh..." look. Then they usually ask how old I am, when I reply twenty it's another "Oh...." then maybe a nod, I KNow they are thinking "young love, it will never last". Never mind a lot of my friends the same age are in "serious" relationships, no-one bats an eyelid to them.

                    It gets frustrating, but then again, I don't see why I have to justify my feelings and relationship to anyone other then my SO, I don't really care for other people's opinions on the matter

                    <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                    <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                    The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                    <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                    <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                    Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                    Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                      I have been hurt by friends with their little comments....but I try to take a step back and try to see where they are coming from. I cant expect them to understand....because if roles were reversed...I am not sure if I could either...

                      Internet boyfriend... *rolls eyes* ahh yes this is the one I have heard and I cringe.....
                      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                        Some people don't really understand our type of relationships, and they can be pretty harsh on us. I think of them as ignorants. Don't let them get to you, and keep on expresing your love to your SO, maybe one day they will get it.

