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Surprise visit!! What to do?

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    Surprise visit!! What to do?

    Hey guys,

    Me and my SO planned a last minute trip for next week, since we were going crazy without each other... Except I am feeling a little weird about it... We usually have trips planned and we know what we plan to do... I feel like since I have no plans for this, that it'll go by even faster, as fast as we planned it! lol..

    So anyways... I just need ideas on things to do... right now we have Movies, Out to dinner, to the mall, the zoo, cuddling, hanging out, and copulation.

    Any other ideas? I just feel weird... I don't know why!! Maybe I'll feel better when he is here lol

    Hey, I found out awhile ago that my SO was planning a surprise birthday visit. The visit has since happened, but I totally get how you might be feeling a little weird about it. Overall, I think it is good that you are still looking forward to seeing each other and I am sure that will help in resolving or lessening any weird feelings. Still, I think it might really help for you to identify why you might be feeling weird so you can sort through those feelings before and during the visit if they become a problem--that really helped me. In my case, most of the weird feelings were from feeling kind of settled in to being apart (not that I want to be apart, but it was at a time when I didn't necessarily need my heart torn open again when he left and have to recover again), feeling awkward about having low funds, and not having been all that well. A bit of introspection might help you clear your mind when planning things, too.

    I think many people will say that it doesn't matter what you do, so long as you are with your SO. I agree with that, but I also think that when LDR couples have special time to share together, this time goes a long way to forming lasting memories and bonding experiences. Thus, I totally get why you want to plan some things. I notice that you plan to go out to dinner, but I wonder if you could also do a dinner in. It's a really great bonding experience to cook together (or you could do a meal out and then cook dessert together). Something outdoorsy could be cool. I notice that you live in Kansas, which is where my SO lives and he took me to the Konza. It was roasting out in summer, so we took the shortest trail and brought lots of water. I have some great pictures from that and remember it well! Local events are really great, too--try looking up the local visitor centre. It may seem weird, but it will help you to think out of the box. Since it is harvest time right now, there may be farmer's markets with pumpkins and such (oh! or you could go to one of those places where you pick your own pumpkin and can take it home and such). Getting with the season can be really cosy.


      Look around the internet, google the are you will be and you will find cool places to go and good events to attend.


        Some times having nothings planned is the best thing! Just go with the flow of things and have fun You can always go on a walk, a drive, go to the mall, the movies, explore the city.


          I think you've got a good list - maybe add a date night in? Where one of you cooks dinner for the other?

          But I'd definitely just go with the flow. ^^

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            Thanks for the suggestions, I like them! I'm especially liking this "cooking together" you guys have suggested... I'll have to look into that.


              Just do stuff that you've never done before around your city... I know where I live (Canterbury, UK) there's loads of awesome touristy stuff about the 'Canterbury tales', Paddington bear museum, river trips etc. that i've never done... but would be pretty awesome for my SO and me to do together
              x x

