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They might not come to the wedding

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    They might not come to the wedding

    Now her parents are making it hard for me to like them, they have there moments where they are really nice people but like i keep stating in threads they have there asshole moments and today was one of them. She told them that we were getting married in a few months and instead of being happy for her they went on and on about how in there day it was traditional for you to get married to the same sex and because we met on the internet that wasent traditional either in there time. She kept telling them that the way we love each other is the same way they love each other, apparently they didnt take it serously until now, and because of that she asked them if they would come and her mom said "i dont know" which really upset her and it broke my heart to hear her be upset as she was because she even said "if they dont come, i will NEVER talk to them again!" which really upsets me because like i said she's really close to her parents but she's willing to risk never speaking to them again when she marries me and move with me eventually to the states, i feel horribly with this and i told her this if they are willing to do this to there own daughter and litterly the only child they have left(her older brother died 9 years ago this chrismas, and her other brother is an asshole) then it shows there true colors and she doesnt need them! She's my family now, i will take good care of her no matter what. Im fed up with them i really am!!!

    Aw that really sucks, I'm so sorry to hear they have put you both through this when you should both be so happy. Do you think if given a bit a time and you both sat down and spoke to them they would change their mind?

    I really hope it all works out for you both. Stay strong you'll both get there, you've overcome the distance so this is something else you can both overcome together


      well i think thats part of the reason they are so iffy on the situation is because they havent met me yet, im hoping they'll change there minds about it after that because im getting really fed up with there attitudes, and the only reason i havent yelled at her mom yet is because i know Denise would be really upset if i did


        I think that you are right that things will be better once they meet you and see how genuine your love is for one another! They are probably just scared of the unknown and worried about things being "nontraditional". Hopefully those feelings will lessen the more YOU become "familiar" and "traditional" in their minds.

        Stay strong girl!


          I'm sure part of it is they haven't met you yet. Keep in mind as parents, they're dealing with a lot - loss of their child to their soon-to-be spouse, her moving on, growing up-up... and something about weddings make people crazy. I'm not saying it excuses their behavior or makes it ok, because what they said was immature and ridiculous, but I'd say let's see see how they are once they meet you. You'd be surprised how much that usually helps.

          Parents. We love them, but they do such dumb things sometimes.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            As a Momma myself...I would want to meet you....and it would change things for me...I would be a lot more accepting of my child's love...after meeting them...right now you are just someone off the net.

            Don't worry..stay strong....and be happy!!! You are getting married soon girl!!!
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

