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Ideas for my Vday Present :-)

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    Ideas for my Vday Present :-)

    Ok, so I got my SO a love letter satchel and since I got an iPod touch, I'm going to put all of his favorite songs on my old MP3 player and give it to him (and I'm talking downloading about 175 songs!)

    But, I want to make something on the creative side. Now, back in June I bought a little journal and I filled up pages with different sections, like "memories" , "sayings", and so on. Well I was in my room and I decided that I'll do the same thing only a little differently. Since i have a lot of binders from school I decided to get notebook paper and make sort of a book. But, I have no idea what put in it.

    If anyone can come up with different sections so I can fill them up. I have 130 pages to do. Any idea will be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you :-)

    Maybe one sections could be about songs that remind you of him. You could write the lyrics down and then tell him different reasons why each song reminds you of him... Umm, I might have more later, haha


      Thats a good idea :-) thank you


        I used a binder to make a scrapbook so I just send him the new pages and puts them in. I just buy the colored computer paper, paste pictures on it, decorate it with markers and stickers, and place it in a sheet protector.

        I do the pictures by months. Then I made one with "dates to remember" and I have the day we met, our first date, first i love you, i might have also put the date of my first trip to see him. I think I included a page with quotes. I included the lyrics of Our Song and a few different songs that made me think of us. For our 1 yr anniversary I listed "I love....." I had been working on it for close to a year and just everyone once in a while I'd write a specific memory or thing he did as well as general things (his crooked smile when he's being sneaky. when he grabs my hand.) OH. My teacher once asked "How do you know he loves you?" (she was nuts and always off topic I dont know what her point was), but I liked the question. So at the top of the page I wrote "How Do You Know He Loves You?" and I listed different things that let me know he loves me....everything from the way he randomly walks into the kitchen while I'm cooking to kiss me to the way he looks at me. I've done a list of what our love is. I listed just random things that let me know this is worth, and this is it. I also wrote a story for the military section of LFDR, A Day in The Life. I ended up liking it so much I made it into a book for him. He loved that one! So maybe make something into story format, the first time you met, or the first date, first I love you, a specific memory. I included pictures and a title page and everything. =D

        And that's all I remember write now. Idk I started it on V-Day last year then gave him the rest of the years worth of photos for our Anniversary (Jan). OH!!! I'm in Education pk-3 and found this book: I Miss You Everyday. Its a little girl saying she misses the reader everyday and will mail herself to them! It's really cute. I wrote a small note in the back for him and the date. Just bc I like the idea of giving it to him and eventually passing it on to our children. (cheesy i know)

        Hope it gives you new ideas!

        Oh. I like the one above minw. I did add a short page about why the song reminded me of him or us. He also sent me a mixed CD, I listened to every song, really listened to the lyrics. As I listened to it I wrote what it made me think of and why I liked that he put that song on the CD. He liked that one too because he said he spent a while on the CD trying to find the perfect songs....songs that reflected him and his musical tastes but also me and us!!

        The binder is great too!! Because all letters you send after this he can just add to it! That's why I chose the binder! =]
        Last edited by BJL_Sweetheart1109; February 4, 2010, 09:47 PM. Reason: didn't see the post above mine


          Now I feel ghetto just using notebook paper...but thats all I can afford at the moment. I mean I can make the pages colorful...hmmm....


            Check out my pressie I sent to my SO(it has its own album on here) ... I took a binder, my mom covered it with fabric (its like less than 3 bucks a yard at most places and a yard MORE than covers the notebook.. we doubled it and still had a good deal of overlap) and we added some trim we got for a buck. I typed up and printed a ton of pages... I included quote about love and relationships and distance, Songs that make me think of him or that we have a story about, and some pictures and other things I found online (most were sayings made into graphics, which one can use WordArt for if they have Microsoft Office...and most of the free open source stuff like Open Office can do similar things I think.) I'd bought a TON of colored paper at walmart (we spent about 10 bucks total on that, and I've been using it for months and still have a good deal left) I then printed the pages and put them in page protectors (keep em from getting messed up and they were like a buck for 16 so you can do 32 pages with one pack)....I added a little something as a book mark and TADA!!! LOL

            If there's something in there you can use, by all means do so! It was a lot of fun finding the lyrics and quotes. I also did a couple of things about memories of us, and that's something everyone likes to read, I'd think. Hope something in that mess up there helps!


              OH! Yea I'm tight on cash. I am in Early Childhood Education so I normally have a good supply of colored paper and construction paper. Dollar Store! Walmart! That's where I get my stuff. I usually doodle on the pages write things, on one I have three pictures of us and just wrote "Best Friends" "Lovers" and "Soulmates" next to each. Nothing fancy. Sometimes I'll look back at emails I sent and print out a few real sweet lines, then I just paste that somewhere on the page with pictures.


                I feel you in the tight on cash sitch... really my family is living on one income for three adults right now (thanking the powers that be that we have no little ones...I hate having to tell a kid no just because of $$). I <3 Dollar stores! We even grab some of our groceries there..and a lot of them have pretty pimp printing supplies and stationary stuff.


                  I decided I'll just decorate the notebook paper. Thats what I did last time, only it was plain journal pages.

