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When can I say "I love you"?

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    When can I say "I love you"?

    So, I love this guy. I really do. I've thought about it for a couple months to make sure this is what I'm really feeling, and it is. We've been together for about five months or so now and like any couple, we've had our ups and downs. We primarily communicate through texting. In fact, we've only talked on the phone once (it was a good 2 hour long talk, made me so happy =-p). Unfortunately, his phone isn't working right now. There was an ice storm where he lives and it took out a cell phone tower. Now we're talking over facebook e-mail. Regularly of course.

    I wanted to tell him I loved him on Valentine's day. Preferably in a phone call, but God apparently hates me and isn't even giving me that option. Even if his phone was working, it might be near to impossible to coax him into calling me without giving away the fact that I want to tell him I love him. So, I guess the best feasible option would be texting if his phone starts working again. Do you think it's OK to tell him I love him in a text (keeping in mind that texting is how we usually talk)? What about an e-mail? Is Valentine's Day too cheesy?

    I really love this man to death. He's absolutely perfect. I can't imagine being happy with anyone else but him. He has every quality I've ever asked for, and even more that I never even thought I wanted.

    How about sending flowers if you can't do it by voice? It's more special by voice... no matter how you usually communicate, but if you can't do that then I think flowers would be the best option, even if it's overdone especially in movies and the like.
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      He won't let me send him anything. He lives on a college campus and insists that the students who deliver the mail are corrupt. They have to tell you when you have a package so you can come pick it up, but most of them just keep anything that can't fit in a letterbox.


        I would think say it when you feel like saying it, no need to wait for a day like valentine! Loving someone is so great and there is no need to hide it or keep it to yourself.

        Do you have skype? I think its best if you say it out loud and can see and hear his reaction (if you are anything like most girls you will go crazy if you text it and he doesnt text it back right away hahaha) Now if for any reason he doesnt say it back at all, dont go crazy on it! My boy started saying those words like you around 6 or 7 months in the relationship and to me that was a bit too soon, he is soooo great that he took it pretty calm when I couldnt say it back and understood too, in my family no one says it to no one because we know it and we take it for granted. After a year or so I was fiinally able to say it, and he was so happy because he knew I ment it and I was sure of it, now I am the one saying it all the time and wishing he says it more! hahahaha

        Best of whishes with this, and let us know how it goes!
        Enamorada de ti!!


          A text of email is not a bad idea, but saying "I love you" is really special! I think talking or video would be best too. A text, even if you communicate this way most of the time, is just not the same. Or could you send him a video or voice recording at least? That would be a nice way for him to have something to listen to/watch when he misses you. A dvd should fit in an envelope that will fit in his mailbox.


            If you feel it should be said out loud, you should definitely find a way to do that. I think skype or recording yourself would both work great.

            My boyfriend first told me he loved me in a text, and I was perfectly ok with that. At the time we were mostly communicating by text too. We're both shy and kind of awkward about expressing our feeling sometimes, so it's a lot easier for us to write it out. Sometimes we'll be texting/iming each other while we're on webcam because one of us is upset or we want to have a serious discussion.


              If I were you, I'd send him a letter. You said the college mail people are corrupt and won't deliver anything larger than something that'll fit in a letter box, then keep it small!! Just a letter, maybe with a poem or drawing inside, would be far more romantic than a text!


                Yeah I'd go with the letter idea as well, it's really personal and especially if it's not something you guys often do it would also show him that you put some thought into it and you really mean what you say. Spray some of your perfume on it as well, he'll love that


                  Yesss I love the letter idea
                  I pretty much only communicate with my bf through txt and I ended up thinking that I would rather wait to say it in person
                  I ended up texting it to him and he text back immediately ... which was the part I was worried about
                  And I dont think that you should feel like you have to wait for valentines ... it will be a special day to you both without making yourself wait
                  Also if you do the letter thing ... he will be able to keep it


                    I would say that try to do it with a webcam, if you guys don't have access to one, try to get the phone, if not then the letter as the others said. Saying I love you for the first time is something really special and you will never forget it!


                      I do think the letter idea could be cute, but you don't think it could be considered impersonal?


                        Ooh! Maybe get one of those Hallmark cards where you can record your voice and say "I love you"! I bet you they have tons of Valentine-themed ones. =D If not, letters are very personal. The whole point of a love letter is to tell someone you love them, after all. =)


                          I got my first 'i love you' via text... and i can't say i would be any more or less excited if he said that in an e-mail, over phone or any other way. I was just too happy to read it!
                          But I know girls are way more romantic (well, in most cases), so im thinkin the hallmark card is a great idea or you could make a video and post in on youtube and send him the link ? or just send him an e-mail with the video. you'll know what to say... but theres another thing- you probably wonder what hes gonna act like when he sees/ hears it... so here skype would be best i suppose, just a call or video.
                          yeh, i wish toby saw my reaction, because i got so excited when i got this text that i sat on the ground and kept reading it over and over and over again .... in result, i didnt reply for like a day or something! made him really upset, while i was just soooo happy!


                            Ohmigod. I am soooo scared and nervous and excited. What if he doesn't feel the same way? Oh my god this is not sounding like a great idea anymore.


                              That's the chance you take. Even if he doesn't feel that much right now, it does not mean he won't in time. If he's worth your love, then it shouldn't be so bad either way. He will be kind in letting you know he's not there yet if he's not. *hugs* best of luck.

