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    You too?

    Every once in a while (more than usual here lately) after a visit, or a really good phone call, I get really sad. Like yesterday morning my SO and I had a really fantastic conversation, he said all the right things and I felt really good about things. We said our goodbyes and he went to sleep (as he works midnights) and then I got really sad. I felt lonely even though I know he loves me, and I wanted to be with him more than anything in the world.

    My question(s) is this. Does anyone else have this issue? If so what do you do to feel better?

    Any one that does not have it?? I definetly have! Sometimes even after talking every day that week I get sad because it was just 15 or 20 mins each day, but that is all we can do for now. For now (those words do it for me! I have my goal, and stay focused on it when I am feeling sad.
    Sometimes for me it is also good just let myself feel, I feel sad and I cry and I hug him and feel him comfort me, yes I feel him because for me he is here with me at all times! Other times, just not thinking about is the solution. Go out with your friends, get to that thing you want to do that you havent done yet or you know, anything.

    Stay positive! The worst thing you can do is think about the how hard it is, believe me!

    Oh! and another thing that has helped me in those moments: log on to this website and see that you are not alone and that everyone here can and will support you in some way
    Enamorada de ti!!


      Oh, yeah, that's really mean - when everything is right, you feel like crying. It's a sharp contrast for me now, because last semester, my husband and I fought quite a lot, so I cried a lot because I was unhappy. Now, after my visit, we're better than we've been in a long time and now I feel like crying because we're so good together and yet we are not physically together! It's almost ironical. Seems there's no way not to feel sad - if you're unhappy, you cry; if you're happy, you cry as well.


        I feel like that a lot now days. ^^; For coping I just...sometimes I cry but usually I just try to go to sleep as we are only an hour apart. ^^;


          This is the worst feeling and you are not alone! Just keep busy and eventually it will pass! My favorite things to do when I feel this way is to read, watch tv shows that I have been meaning to see but never got around to it, catching up with friends and going on this site. I usually feel sad at night. My boyfriend always said goodnight to me over the phone or by text. Talking to him was one of the last things I would do at night, but because of a time difference now, thats impossible. I actually enjoy going to work now because it keeps my mind busy! Stay strong, you will see each other soon!!


            I would be suprised if someone on this site didn't feel this way at least once in their relationship. What I've realized for myself, though, is that it's not really sadness. It's just an intense feeling that I've never really known before so it took me awhile to realize what it really is. I can best describe it as a combination of longing and joy/gratitude for my love. It feels like sadness, because it makes me want to cry when I'm reminded of it. But it's really not sad, even if we are apart, we still have eatch other. I just cope by reminding myself of how lucky I really am to have him. I do feel as though he's always with me- a part of his heart is with me and a part of my heart is with him. Physically, I allow myself to cry from time to time. I think it's needed. And I usually do something relaxing, like taking a bath, having some wine or some tea, listening to relaxing/uplifting music.


              I feel your pain. Sometimes Alex and I will have really close conversations about our future, how much we love each other etc. and during and afterwards i just want to be with him more than anything else in the world. Its horrible being so incredibly helpless and knowing there is NOTHING I can do about it. Its not like I can just jump on a plane and go see him whenever I want. Its not only the sadness I feel for not being able to see him, but more the absolute longing to be with him more than anything else in the world. Its a terrible feeling, but it reminds you just how much you love them, and how real your relationship truly is. If, as some people say, my boyfriend is "just a computer screen" would I really be feeling those kinds of intense emotions that even people in "real life" haven't been able to make me feel? I think not.


                I think ppl in LDRs are a bit more emotionally involved than ppl in CDRs, mostly because the whole foundation of the relationshis is communicating and being completely open to the other person about your feelings. When you talk to each other daily about everything I think it makes the relationship more intense and committed and you are emotionally connected to your SO ten times more than if you were in a CDR. There for the feeling of longing and loneliness is much stronger cause you can't express your feelings by being close to each other, you can only use words and the words are just SO inadequate most of the time.

                But the good knews is, being apart won't last forever and in time you can learn to deal with that pain, its always gonna be there but you'll learn to cope with it and when the day comes that you're finally together, it's all been so worth it!


                  All the time this happens to me and its really frustrating
                  Even if i have a dream that night that we are together ... when i wake up I will be all happy until I look at my phone and realise he never txted back or his not really there


                    It's good to know that this is a "Normality" in LDR's. Thanks for the support! You guys are the best!


                      I am in the same boat! Sometimes I blame it to the hormones, but I'm not sure about that, lol. But it can be so hard sometimes, feeling so close to this person, but at the same time not able to come close! That is why I always have to think about our future together and the end of the distance, I would go nuts if I didn't!


                        This happens to me every so often... usually it only lasts for about 5-10 minutes or so, and that's because I quickly try to find something to distract my mind. One thing I really like to do when I get that lonely feeling is just stare at a picture I have of the two of us, and it always makes me smile.

