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Cellphone plan?

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    Cellphone plan?

    Can someone direct me to a cellphone plane that actually works? because the other day i bought a new cell and plan that had unlimited calling everyday but i didnt know it was only for At&t customers that i had to call so i used up all the minutes from calling Denise, i wanna get one so i dont have to keep getting phone cards, advice anyone?

    I don't have a good suggestion as to providers, but maybe you should consider just getting a month-to-month plan until you move to Scotland. Most contracts are at least a year.

    If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


      Walmart has straight talk which is free to other straight talk customers and also to Verizon customers but thats all i can think of as far as prepaid


        Cricket, if it's in your area, has unlimited text and talk plans for international, and it's month to month, so it might suit your needs.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          sadly cricket is not in my area


            I don't know if it will differ for you because your calling to Scotland, but I have T-mobile (1500 minute family plan, unlimited nights and weekends and unlimited texts) and I call to Canada almost every day and receive calls from Canada almost every day (my ex and I talk a lot) and I haven't been charged for the calls, I only get charged when i'm in Canada and someone calls me.

            Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.

