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How often do you worry?

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    i worry every second of everday - like seriously i have such an over imaginative mind
    right now im worrying about him cause hes at work and he has to go up ladders then im worried about him going to his cottage for thanksgiving and driving there after work... its tortureous! idont think id worrry as much if he was here, i dont think id worry at all but itd the long distance thing and lack of control that makes me this way
    we just need to think positive i guess.
    hes flying over a week on thursday so imagine how im gonna be then!!!!!!


      I never really worry about us working out or.. that he'd stop loving me, even though I think it's normal/ok to worry about those kind of things. I know we'll end up together one way or another and even if it took years, we'd stay together, we love each other way too much to ever let go of what we have. He loves me to bits and pieces and I don't see that changing anytime soon just like my love for him.

      What I do worry about is how we'll end up being together.. and when. Right now it looks like I'll be moving to England for a year or so but we'll see. Hopefully some kind of distance closing will happen next summer though. I also worry loads about his safety. It's kinda annoying how I get worried after few hours of not hearing from him. He's always alright and just doing something else and can't email me to let me know he's alright but I just can't help it.. It's an awful feeling.. thinking something has happened to him A few times I've actually thought he could be in the hospital/dead and it scared the crap out of me.


        I worry so much about everything. My biggest most irrational fear is that he will fall for someone else. He's such an amazing guy, and I still can't understand why no one picked him up before me. It boggles my mind that he's been so overlooked. I worry that he's just settling for me because I'm the only one who has really shown an interest in him
        "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


          I probably am the biggest worrier here.
          But it really does help, whether what you're fretting about is happening or not, worring wont help!!

          However, if you feel you can, maybe mentioned it to your partener. They may be able to reassure you, or if you know tell them what they could do to help. Little things like, it makes me feel better when i recieve a text, even useless and unimportant texts. but now he knows, he texts me more. and i worry less


            It is hard not to worry. It seems like those days that my SO and I don't get to Skype with one another or just talk in general, things get a little weird in my mind. I constantly need the reassurance that we're both as much in love with one another as ever. It's sad it's like that, but it comes with being in a long distance relationship. All I can say is if your SO really loves you, then they wont wake up one day and fall out of love. There is nothing stronger than love, it can fight the distance. And it will always beat out those worries. When you get to see the person you love standing in front of you after being away for ages, I don't think anything can top that feeling..your worries will flood away.


              Honestly, I worry so much that it's sickening. As in, it can make me physically sick and distracted when I go to work. Mostly my worries are aimed around his losing interest in me, in realizing he doesn't really love me anymore now that we've met or finding interest in some other girl either online like how we met, or just in his home town. And then, if we've had an arguement, that's when I start worrying that something bad is going to happen to him. Like...the last thing I said to him was something awful and he hasn't been online in a few hours-did he get in a car crash? Is that going to be the last thing he ever heard from me?

              But I know this needs to stop. In truth, all my worrying about him falling away from me or that he's upset with me is actually making things worse. That I'm practically accusing him of lying to me when he says he loves me. It's difficult as I'm so used to people in the past that I care for just up and dropping me without word, but I know I can't compare him to them. He's never done anything to imply that he's just going to want to leave me out of the blue and I need to trust that. I'm a huge worry-er by nature, it's almost like I can't function properly unless I'm stressed about something, but I'm working on focusing those negative feelings away from him before it really does cause a problem and onto something else that actually needs to be worried over.


                I'm a pretty positive person, and my SO can verify that, but even I have my worries, not about whether or not the relationship will work because we both love each other very much and I know we can make it work as long as we both want it to, but more about cheating or whether my SO will find someone better than me, now my SO is the last person on earth to cheat on anyone, she's just not that type of person at all, but even if you go a day or two without really talking much, and especially not Skyping my imagination runs wild. This was especially bad when we just started dating, maybe because in my previous relationships I have been cheated on, and it's the worst feeling in the world, no matter what stage of the relationship you are in, and I never want to experience that again, so that's why I worry. But what gets me through those odd days which usually come about once or twice a month, is look back on the letters she has written to me, and that's the perfect reminder to how much she cares about me. What I would say is that if you do have any worries then you should talk about them with your SO, I do with mine and it feels great to get everything out in the open and move on


                  I don't worry at all about anything to do with my relationship It's quite relaxing, actually, coming from a very worrying and stressful past relationship. I have complete trust and faith in my SO, and it's awesome.

                  I do worry about school though, and money issues. :P Being a University student, I'm pretty sure that it's all normal though.

