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Desperate to help my girlfriend

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    Desperate to help my girlfriend

    My girlfriend and I are young. She still lives with her parents, and I'm in another state. I'm pretty sure she has a personality disorder. When we're on the phone, I have to walk on eggshells because if I upset her she will start crying hysterically, hit herself in the face, and not respond to me. She has told me that she's had unwanted thoughts so severe that she slammed her head into a wall to make them stop. I'm so scared. Her parents won't take her to a therapist and she can't go by herself so, it seems hopeless!! I really don't want her to end up hurting herself or someone else
    What do I do? Is there even anything that I can do?!?

    My friends and family always come to me for advice n help in many different subjects. Wat i do if im unsure i research it online. In your case she needs professional help. I would make her go, or go together. Things like theses never get better on their own, only worse. Seek professional help quickly!!

    "When to see a doctor
    If you have any signs or symptoms of a personality disorder, see your doctor, mental health provider or other health care professional. Untreated, personality disorders can cause significant problems in your life, and they may get worse without treatment.

    Helping a loved one
    If you have a loved one who you think may have symptoms of a personality disorder, have an open and honest discussion about your concerns. You may not be able to force someone to seek professional care, but you can offer encouragement and support. You can also help your loved one find a qualified doctor or mental health provider and make an appointment. You may even be able to go to an appointment with him or her.

    If you have a loved one who has harmed himself or herself, or is seriously considering doing so, take him or her to the hospital or call for emergency help."

    Call for emergency help, thats about all you can do n read about the different kinds of mental illnesses.


      How old are you? How old is she? If she is old enough she can get help herself. If you are old enough you can contact her parents and let them know exactly what she has told you etc.


        I'm no expert but that doesn't sound like BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) or like she has different personalities. She may be hearing voices or it could be Bipolar I. Either way, technically there is nothing YOU can do except try and convince her she needs to see a psychiatrist or psychologist or get hold of her parents and try convincing them to at least have her screened for these things because of the dangerous way she's behaving. Mental illnesses are harder than physical ones to handle because the sufferer has to recognize they have a problem and want help. Someone with a broken leg can protest the entire time to a cast, you can't have her protesting pills or telling a doctor what's wrong because they rely on her word.

        If you're scared she'll hurt herself or worse, there are hotlines to call, or you could call either the police/911 and have them transfer you to her area's department and tell them your concerns and they would help.


          I would definitely encourage her to see a professional. You can't make her do anything, unfortunately. That's the hard part when someone you love refuses to try and get help for what makes them so unhappy. But, if there's an emergency, it's LMH said - you can always transfer to the local 911/police and tell them.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            That sounds serious. You need to voice your concerns to her and ask her to seek professional help immediately. If she refuses to go then contact her parents/friends and explain how serious her behaving is.

            She could really hurt herself by the sound of it...

