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Does it mean it is over?

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    Does it mean it is over?

    Hi Everybody,

    Below is my post last time


    My boy friend has not yet sold the house yet so he cannot let me to fly to see him. I offer to pay ticket first, but he does not want either. He said his feeling wants to seel the house first. That made me upset.

    Last night we chatted and I was a bit drunk. I pushed him to say when we will meet when he was working. He said he wanted to work but I still kept pushing. Finall, he said he does not want to see me anymore. I felt sad and I tried to get him back. but it did not work much. I said I could go but can I call him later. He said no no no. I tried to beg him that I would call him. He said he might be out. I asked if he would date. He said yes, I made him feel it. HOwever, I called him and he was home doing decaration of the new house.

    We agreed on msn that we would haev a break and chat again on Valentine's day. You know he did not send me gift for Valentine;s day. He said he is busy.

    Do you think it is really over ? I accepted I pushed him a lot. I used to sms him 30 times in one night and kept calling him.
    What should I do to bring him back. He could laugh a bit on phone, but he still says do not try to call him until Valentine's day.

    Do you think he lied to me about the dates?

    If he doesn't want to see you in person and makes excuses to not see you, especially when you are putting all the effort in - you visiting him - then it's probably not worth your effort. I know you love him, but you can't have a future with someone if they don't want to see you. I would give him the space he is asking for, before it becomes harasment, and start looking elsewhere for someone who both wants and deserves your attentions. I'm sorry
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      To me it seems like his heart really isn't in the LDR... Taking a "break" isn't going to solve any problems, but it is a good opportunity to ask yourself whether or not this guy is worth all the trouble. Let him have his space, but on Valentine's day have a serious conversation about all of these problems. You both need to talk about what you're feeling and whether or not it's best to continue your relationship. You deserve someone who is as committed to the relationship as you are.


        I'm sorry to hear that. But you have to really think, you love him, but he doesn't look like he is giving all he can to work on this relationship. And remember that you are worth so much, and you deserve to be with a man that loves you and is crazy about you.

        Best wishes!


          I can only echo what has already been said. It doesn't look promising.

          If I was you, then I'd delete his number, block him on IM or whatever you use, and just not contact him at all until he contacts you. If he doesn't contact you within the next 7-10 days then it's obvious his heart is not in it and you will know to move on. Use the 7-10 days to work on yourself, enjoy your life and keep busy so you don't think about him as much!!

          Just after these 7-10 days, don't put your life on hold in the hope he'll come running back - because he most probably won't.

