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The worst thing your SO's parent/s could do to you

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    The worst thing your SO's parent/s could do to you

    Is call you by your SO's ex's name >_>

    Her name was Molly, and when I was there visiting last we were sitting watching tv and his mom was making peach cobbler. She said "Dave, Molly, would you like some peach cobbler?" and I snorted all shocked and Dave said "Oh good mom!" and she was mortified xD At first I found it funny with how she reacted to what she had done, but after a while I started to feel upset about it and think "oh god what if I'm like her and remind her of molly and that's why?!" Ugh it was horrible xD I do NOT want to have any kind of similarities to HER -_- Actually she did it TWICE! The second time I wasn't around but Dave told me later. She was telling him that she put fresh towels in Molly's room. OH I MEAN LAUREN! =.=;;

    Has this ever happened to you? lol Or anything that your SO's parents has said or done to you?

    Nope, but Enrique's ex and I are very different people :P. The only things we really have in common is that we've both dated him, we're Mexican, and neither of us has a middle name xD. She is very feminine, I am pursuing a sex change so I can be a guy :P. Can't get more different xD. I've been called by my brother's name though! D:< This wouldn't bother me so much if my brother wasn't my father's namesake XP.

    Look at the bright side, Dave wasn't the one who called you Molly :'D. Once that happens, you can really worry XP.


      Haha true xD His mom asked if he's ever accidentally called me Molly and he was like "lol no" not even saying m-lauren xD thank god. He thought it was hilarious when she called me that though DX so mean laughing at my paaain xD


        Oh ouch. Better them than him, though.

        I've never had contact with his mom, may never and that's fine. I've resolved that if we meet I'm punching her just for existing. My mom's done some pretty mean stuff in regards to my SO, though.


          I'm not sure I follow your story...

          but, no, I don't think Alex's parents have ever mistaken me for any of his exes because, according to him, I'm the only one worth introducing to them in a way that did not include them walking in on him in the middle of something. ^^;


            Obi only really has one ex, and they weren't together long enough for her to be around enough for them to get in the habit of speaking to her or associating them as a couple. I bet your SO's mom's face was priceless though!

            My SO's mom is nice, but has no tact whatsoever, so is randomly offensive. Most of the time I just let it go.

            I really doubt that you're anything like Molly, I think it's just a habit that they need to break.
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              Oh no! At least his mom did feel bad and made efforts to apologize... laughing about it afterwards was probably the best thing. I bet it's not that you're like Molly or remind his mom of her, probably it's just that in her mind she's used to saying "Dave and Molly" so that's what rolls off the tongue out of habit... that'll change

              I haven't had any parental incidents, I've met them once... his parents are so nice, and very much like my own!
              But as for Scott, well, my dad has a hard time remembering his name, LOL! Nothing personal, my dad just isn't good with names- but the funny thing is, he'll refer to him as "that guy from Scotland"... and if you can remember "Scotland", you've already got "Scott", it shouldn't be that hard!!!
              We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust

