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I'm too old for this stuff!

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    I don't feel too old for much....that's probably bad I can still stay up all night, do a bit of clubbing on occasion, drink the night away, I just do them a hell of a lot less!

    Gotta agree with the crazy nail polish colors though, I feel ridiculous with them, but I'll still put it on my toes. And the feathers in the hair, so cute, but way too young looking for this 40-something.
    Oh, wait, I've realized I'm way too old for much of the crap on MTV. Sadness. I remember the day it went on-air.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Originally posted by Moon View Post
      I don't feel too old for much....that's probably bad I can still stay up all night, do a bit of clubbing on occasion, drink the night away, I just do them a hell of a lot less!

      Gotta agree with the crazy nail polish colors though, I feel ridiculous with them, but I'll still put it on my toes. And the feathers in the hair, so cute, but way too young looking for this 40-something.
      Oh, wait, I've realized I'm way too old for much of the crap on MTV. Sadness. I remember the day it went on-air.
      This is after they quit showing so much … music, but remember when Road Rules was on the first time and it was just like woooow…. I wanted Mark and Kit to get together so badly.


        Staying out late partying is something my SO and I both are well past; however, I do like to go out with a friend once in awhile for a few beers and some laughs. It's not often though.

        I think most people my age would say they were too old be to riding around on the back of a motorcycle.. and I don't mean one of those big Gold Wings... I mean an Honda XRT 1300, shades and a bandana behind a sexy biker with long hair and tattoos xD but that's me. We spent the better part of our weekend (off during the week) waxing and shining up my man's "other woman" and then took off down the road. My daughter just shakes her head at the loud pipes when we go screaming past her friends in the car and laughs at us, but we love it.

        Yes, I still squeal when he lays on the throttle and the front end comes off the ground O.o
        Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
        Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
        Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


        You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
        Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

        Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
        Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


          just wanted to say that please dont think of ur selves as old i mean just dont, everyone can be young at heart so no one should feel they are too old for anything


            Hmmm I am one of the oldest ones on here...and I don't feel too old for anything. *shrugs*..... Life is wayyyy too short for limits. I mean you won't see me hanging at a club till 2 am getting drunk....Only because I now have responsibilities...but I wear bright nail polish...and I want a tattoo....
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              Only you can set urself barriers.
              Age is only a number!
              Dress as you want, paint ur nails the way you want, have some percings or tattoo if you want.
              Don't let society or ur age dictate you what to do and who to be.

              Be you
              ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                I wasn't trying to say that any of us are old - this was more of a tongue in cheek deal...but to be fair, there are certain things that I am most definitely not able to pull off as a 30-something year old woman that I might have done when I was 10 years younger


                  Originally posted by blankita719 View Post
                  I wasn't trying to say that any of us are old - this was more of a tongue in cheek deal...but to be fair, there are certain things that I am most definitely not able to pull off as a 30-something year old woman that I might have done when I was 10 years younger
                  Amen! As much as I like sparkly, bright blue nails, they just ain't gonna cut it in a professional office setting. I get away with my pierced nose and tattoos, but you've got to draw the line somewhere
                  Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                    I am way to old, not be in COMPLETE denial, about what I'm way to old for.

                    I'm 48 going on 16 and I LOVE IT! (so does the SO )
                    Last edited by Dauntedpoet; July 11, 2012, 08:26 PM.

                    Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                    And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                    Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


                      I really dont too feel too old for anything yet! I love doing silly crazy stuff still. :P

                      I still do my hair in funky colors, nails in bright crazy colors, nearly covered head to toe in tattoos with no plans of stopping, I shop in the jounior section! haha. My best friend and I (who is over 30) get together and act so goofy our older kids think we are lunatics, but the little ones love it!

                      I will admit after all night of drinking, usually the next day I will say "I am getting too old for this!", but I rarely have all nighters these days. Most weekends I am in bed by 11 snuggled up with my daughter or goofing off on the computer.

                      I guess I am too old to waste my time on those who are not worth it. Too old for female drama. Too old to expect people to change or expect I can be the one to change them.


                        Dyed my hair purple underneath today lol o.O my SO had his done blue underneath lol
                        Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
                        Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
                        Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


                        You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
                        Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

                        Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
                        Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


                          Originally posted by Filly View Post
                          1) Going clubbing every Saturday
                          2) Wasting time in a relationship going no where
                          3)Staying out all night (I get worried about my son by 11:00 p.m.)

                          I'll add more as time goes by
                          I agree heavily with #2.

                          I don't have many things that I feel I am too old for.

                          My list is short:
                          1.) Do not waste time in a dead-end relationship
                          2.) Do not be lured in by all the flashy lights and bells and whistles
                          3.) Do not fall into repeat patterns that have already proven to be a failure


                            OK, here goes:

                            1. Sadly, I am too old to lay in bed past 9am, well, unless my SO is cuddling, then I somehow can handle it! I really want to sleep late...just can't! My SO says it is my age Yes, his seven years younger allows him the jokes!
                            2. Totally agree with all others on the no time for wasted relationships. After my divorce 8-9 years ago I dated one or two times and knew, well, this isn't going to go anywhere and got out quickly.
                            3. I have one really big tattoo, wouldn't mind another, but will more than likely stick to this one.
                            4. When I dropped my SO to Miami, we went "clubbing"...the evening started off nice, we got all dressed up, went down to the beach, it was late, well, we thought, it was closing in on ten, we had a late start after dropping my son to sitters. So we walked along the different restaurants looking at menus...we thought hmmm, we better order soon, as it was late. I then got a call from my son, crying, telling me to come get him already. So, yes, off to an excellent start. Talked him down and then decided I better find out how late they were serving. So I asked the Host how late they served...he said oh, you have time, and laughed at me, we won't stop till 4 or 5 in the morning. Need I say anymore? The evening ended with a huge bill, and my SO had a horrible hangover the next day...nope, not even he is young enough for that!!
                            5. I play coed soccer...and well, most nights I think I catch myself saying at least once "I am too old for this", but then, typically someone else chimes in and says, "I am older than you!" So, truth be told, we are never too old, as long as we like it, and well, hell, our bodies can handle it! It might be the aches and pains that really wake me up early though

