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Crazy things we do for love

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    Crazy things we do for love

    OK, I couldn't take it anymore...going thru such a tough time, been in hospital last 6 weeks off and on. I have a PICC line in now and take IV antibiotics three times a day, I was not allowed to travel, so I missed my trip to go see my SO last month and I may now have to go back to hospital for treatments and more surgery, so travel may be out of the question again.

    So, you ask, what crazy thing did I do?

    my SO had an interview in a City not too far from me...and ended up with an extra night there. Last minute, I had it, after over 3 1/2 months of being apart, feeling like hell, and knowing he was only 6 hours away for 1 1/2 days! I just drove 6 hours each way to see my SO for 24 hours (gave myself my treatments in the car both ways). Maybe that would not be so bad if I wasn't sick...but seems crazy since he was there for 24 hours for an all day and evening interview! So, we got two nights together and one dinner out = WORTH IT!

    To further the craziness, after I dropped him to the airport, I went back to the hotel, went online and bought tickets to go see him in December, not knowing if I will be allowed to travel, but I just have to have something to look forward to!

    Ok, now what is the craziest thing you've done. You guys are pretty crazy, I am sure you can beat me

    Craziest thing I've done for my SO? I'd say my whole relationship, I'm hiding it from my parents (although I don't live with them anymore I did for our entire relationship minus 2 months) I've lied to my parents so I could meet him all three times we met and I got on a plane by myself for the first time and spent 4 days in a different state

    Met: 8.17.09
    Started Dating: 8.20.09
    First Met: 10.2.10
    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


      Mine was probably closer to stupid (or it can be considered crazy too). I knew my SO for less than a month and just decided to fly out to meet him; although we spent so much time on the phone I wasn't too nervous about it. That was the first time I had ever traveled without my family, and I am a bit older than you. I also took out loans I couldn't afford to pay for my plane tickets.


        I think booking the trip to Ireland for 4 days last week when I was going to be coming back to Holland for 3 months in December was kinda crazy. I spent too much money I don't really have to be spending and the craziest thing of all is I am not the least bit sorry for doing it.

        I even had to go 2 days earlier and sit in an airport hotel alone to make sure I could fly out due to Hurricane Sandy. He did say though it was a bit crazy to do, he felt it was a great bonding experience for us. He had to take 2 days off work when he only started his job this summer and he missed an exam too. I guess, he was a bit crazy too.
        "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
        Benjamin Franklin


          After knowing my SO for three weeks meeting abroad I booked a flight back after I was supposed to be coming home for good and hoped to god I would get a visa once returning. Didn't get the visa but it worked out in the end anyway.

