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    We just had a wonderful Christmas together. He told me he loves me and wanted to close the distance by this summer. Great right? We got have had a few rough bumps since him going back home. It was my birthday he said he was sending a card and never did. I told him I was disappointed and downhill from there. I thought about it and decided it was not a big deal and called him to smooth things over and let him know it was not a big deal. He didn't answer left a message at 5pm He texts back he was just at home and going to get dinner. I call him back at 8 no answer. He texts me he is sick.

    Ok I think it's odd he had not taken my calls that evening even before him saying he was sick. I remember a few days before he told me his roommate wanted him to go out with him and his date and her friend. I asked what he was going to do and he said just go and not have fun. I told him if we were exclusive this would not be ok with me. He explained that is what he meant to say?

    Made no sense. So he never called me or texted me again that night. The next morning he said he had food poising and went to the hospital. I did not believe him. He asked what he could do to prove it and I told him show me something from the hospital. He said he had all ready left for work ( he would be gone a week) but would show me the discharge papers when he returned.

    His communication almost halted while he was on his trip for work. We talked a little and I told him to really think about if he really wanted to move to be with me. 12 hours later he calls and says yes he does not need to think he loves me and just wants to be with me.

    The night before he came home we got into a argument. Nothing hurtful or a big deal. He surprises me with saying he needs time and will call me Sunday. It's now Tuesday. I tried to call once Monday and texted him to ask if he was going to call. Nothing from him.

    We have talked on the phone or texted everyday for The last 7 months. Never missing a day now he is gone. What do I do? I'm confused and hurt and don't know if it's over or what's going on. We are both over 30 and I need advise.

    he is doing very strange.. dont really know what to think of it except that he might be getting cold feet or something..

    i think that i would (i would do, not what you should do!! listen to you gut on this one!!) send him an email, telling him what you feel, hurt, insecure dont know what to do, that you find he is acting strange etc ask him to contact you when he is ready to talk
    and then DONT!! email, text or call any more nothing of that!! let him come to you it might take a while! be patience (yes it's hard)
    you place the ball in his court..


      If I read your post correctly, you're not exclusive, he may say he loves you, but I don't think your relationship is in that "serious" stage yet. If that's the case, I think you're being a little too demanding here, he can go out if he wants, and he doesn't have to prove he was at the hospital. Maybe just back off a bit, and see what happens. You don't say how long you've been together, which would definitely help in giving you advice. There's a huge difference between, say, three months and three years, for example. Good luck.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        Originally posted by Moon View Post
        If I read your post correctly, you're not exclusive, he may say he loves you, but I don't think your relationship is in that "serious" stage yet. If that's the case, I think you're being a little too demanding here, he can go out if he wants, and he doesn't have to prove he was at the hospital. Maybe just back off a bit, and see what happens. You don't say how long you've been together, which would definitely help in giving you advice. There's a huge difference between, say, three months and three years, for example. Good luck.
        It says right on her side profile :P

        Look, OP, you've only been together for almost two months and you're being really overbearing. You said it yourself that you're not exclusive and even if you were he can go out of he wants to. If you keep up with this controlling behavior then you're going to lose him. Back off.
        Made it official: 12-01-10
        First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
        Closed the distance: 07-31-13


          It doesn't not say so on her side profile, but from what she says here
          Originally posted by Only View Post
          We have talked on the phone or texted everyday for The last 7 months. Never missing a day now he is gone.
          I assume they've been together for about 7 months? :-s

          Anyways, being that the case, I do agree with what Moon said.


            I 100% agree with Moon...back off and see what happens. Maybe things are just moving too fast for him and he needs some time to work it all out in his own head. Just be patient

