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First Weekend without Him...

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    30+ First Weekend without Him...

    was a little difficult. Even though we didn't spend much time together before he had to leave, I had gotten used to our Sunday breakfasts. It felt odd to sit at the table alone.

    The funny thing is, I have been trying to talk myself out of feeling so much so fast--hoping that the 4,000 mile buffer would slow the "emotions". So far, it hasn't. Rather, it's made me appreciate what a wonderful man he is.

    We have Skyped every single day since he left (it's kinda funny how we both sacrafice to make that call), and it just makes the time until I see him again go by soooo much slower. From the looks of it, we won't see each other again until the beginning of June . In the meantime, I am going to try to stay busy (even considering getting a second job to stay busy and build up my "travel fund).

    Any suggestions on how to stay busy? I don't have many girlfriends (well, my closest girlfriend liked my guy first and he chose me... that's been AWKWARD)....

    You could take up a new hobby, not something that's going to cost you too much money, but one that will take up your time and take your mind off the fact that he's not here. It could be something crafty so you could make a card(s) and send them once a week to him, but it would also give you something to think about while you're waiting for the skype call.

    Also, if you both have smart phones, there are numerous apps that will allow you to text/call and such for free internationally...if he has time during the day, it's a way to help you stay connected. I use Viber, but there are others like Couple, Pair (I think those two are the same to be honest). I recently downloaded Couple and it will allow you to "thumbkiss" by pressing your thumbs to the screen, which is kinda sweet.

    It takes time to get used to not being together 24/7 and it takes time to find other things to occupy yourself with so that you're not always looking at the clock or the phone and wondering how long it will be until you next speak. It's great that you've got a Skype schedule worked out, but even reading a book or talking with a friend, joining a club, learning a musical instrument or a language or something, they will help you use the "not him" time to your advantage. Obviously, with work and such you have to fit it around that, but soon you'll fall into a routine and it will get somewhat easier.

    Good Luck!
    Joey & Scott
    Met: April 2002
    Lost Contact: August 2002
    Reconnected: April 2010
    Together: May 20th 2010

    [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


      Well I haven't met Ben in person yet, but my friend Heidi met her guy, she says it's so much harder to be apart now. What can you do to keep busy, hmmmm, well here's my list cause he's always busy: watch movies, make jewelry, get all pretty and take some pics for him, make a collage of your photos, do any kind of craft, read, play games, go swimming, go shopping, clean, write (try, maybe you can write a non-fiction about LDRs), write him letters and draw pictures for him, and many many more activities. Basically anything to keep you busy.

