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To stay or to go

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    30+ To stay or to go

    I am new to the forums and have lurked for a few days to read other people's stories. Thanks for sharing.

    I wanted to pose a question to the group. My husband and I have lived in Chicago for nine years, and in the last couple of years he has thrown around the idea of this dream job in Washington D.C. He was offered the job this week and has a start date of early October. His boss said that although telecommuting from Chicago is not an option now, it very likely will be sometime in the near future, (although she didn't want to say a time frame).

    The plan is that I don't go right away because we need to see if he likes the job, likes D.C., etc. before I up and leave my job to go with him. He or I will visit every 3 weeks. A year and a half ago or earlier, I would have gone with him no questions asked, because I wasn't attached to my job / career. But now I work in complex gift planning at a nonprofit and really love it, and it is hard to get into and find jobs. I feel incredibly lucky to be here, although sometimes the work is slow and I do feel underpaid.

    So I feel stuck - I don't want to do long distance again, definitely not for two years (which we have decided is the maximum amount of time we are could possibly do long distance), but if I can just wait a while, he can come back to Chicago with an awesome paying job and I can keep my job. (I am also being promoted soon.) What would you guys do in this situation?

    If it were me, I'd let him go and see how he likes the area and the job. For all you know, he may absolutely hate it and come back home as soon as possible. Or if he loves it, and is able to telecommute, then you won't have to worry about it long term
    In the mean time, keep your eyes open for similar opportunities in the area. Just be prepared. But I wouldn't flat out refuse to go at this point


      Thanks! That is good advice. In the days since the offer was made, I have felt better as we have created more plans. It kind of removes the number of "unknowns," you know? And he sent me some jobs to consider in DC, so it is reassuring to see that it would be an option if I had to go.

