How do you deal with this? My thoughts and imagination get away from me sometimes. I hate it and I feel awful. 😔
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In my teenage years and early 20's jealousy was an issue for me. It didn't help matters that there were other women vying for the men I was dating. Finally, I had an older friend who set me straight. She asked me why I let it bother me and when I was going to finally grow up. She told me that you put work and effort into your relationship and you give it your best. She told me that I either I trusted him or I didn't and that I needed to realize this was my issue and not his. It's not flattering to the other person - it's a control and insecurity issue within yourself.
Honestly, that really woke me up. Other women may try to flirt with my SO or want to be with him. (In all honesty, he's pretty oblivious when it happens lol.) I trust him 100%. Other women can look all they want but he's with me and that's that. I know I am a good partner to him and that our lives are better for having each other & that we both realize that. The other women can be jealous of me - I have no reason to be jealous of them.Last edited by R&R; May 7, 2016, 09:40 PM.To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.
Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.
Everyone gets jealous every once in a while, but the stronger your relationship gets, the less this should happen. I was extremely jealous at the beginning of our relationship because he's a hott piece of ass () and why wouldn't other girls want him? Hell, I even watched other girls hit on him in front of me. He is awful at detecting when girls are flirting, so that's definitely helped my growing process, but the other part of it is that I know he would never ever hurt me. As R&R said, it comes down to you trusting your SO completely. If you can't do that, you're going to be jealous.
Since you seem very aware of what's happening, just try to catch yourself when you feel that way and remind yourself that your SO loves you. For me, it helps to think it through like "what am I worried about?" If the answer is another girl flirting with him then I'd ask myself if he would flirt back. Since the answer is no, then it eases that fear.