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    30+ ramblings


    I wrote a big thing, then deleted it.

    I wrote another, and deleted it too.

    I don't want to be a whinger, but I need to vent, just let it out to people who understand. I don't even know what to say.

    Long distance relationships suck! I'm almost 14 months into a long distance relationship with the love of my life and I still haven't even met him in the flesh
    How can you even explain that to someone? I've told my best friends, but haven't told my family, my kids yes, but my parents or sister no. My friends are amazingly supportive, but they can't really understand being in love with someone you can't touch. My relationship is commonly referred to as being in love with a ghost.

    Life circumstances have given us set back after set back on our plans to meet so far. Australia to America is a long and expensive trip. We have plans for our future, just no dates set in stone and right now it's killing me. I really want/need a date to count down, to work towards, and I know he wants that too. It's just soooo hard right now and it feel so hopeless! 13 733 km between us and there is nothing I can do to change that right now.

    He's so incredible, I love him sooooooo much, and I am so grateful to have "met" him, but I'm dying to just be together. It's not a teen puppy love, I'm mid 30's he is early 40's, we know what we are doing, we know the logistics, we know everything that is against us, but this is so real. Worth the distance, and the time, the cost, the hurt and loneliness. One day we will be married and happily ever after and will look back at this time and it will be a distant memory, but right now it's a reality, our reality.

    LDR suck.
    Yes, I'm whinging. Yes you are in LDR too so you know how crap it is.

    Thankyou for letting me ramble on. Sorry this post really has no point at all except me to get of my chest that I love him, and I miss him, that I'm crazy jealous of every couple I see together taking each other for granted, that I'm crazy frustrated and get snappy with him and I don't mean it. Then I feel horrible, I feel like everything is amplified in a LDR and I'm having trouble finding a balance atm, and i'm frustrated, impatient and miserable. I want my husband already, and it upsets me even more when I know there is even more and more waiting to come through the various stages ahead.

    Thanks if you bothered reading my vent/whinge/ramble. I'd love to hear any words of wisdom/support, or even your own whingey vent.


    Hi and welcome.

    I absolutely understand how you feel. My lady and me live about 10,960 kms apart and have not met yet in 17 months. Our first meeting didn't take place due to financial problems and now is scheduled for coming September. Chances are that my lady will be working abroad, then, so that would postpone it with another two years.

    I have no support from my family. One friend I have told about and he is supportive, but really understanding it is, as you said, something else.

    Yes, I know how you feel. We're your age (I'm nid-40, she's mid-30). I guess every now and then we all need to vent. Just know that the people here understand.

    Some are in the fortunate situation to meet every 4 months, others not. We have made that choice, though, and if we want to reach our goal - marriage, living together, whatever it will be - we have to be strong and sometimes we have to vent a bit.

    Be strong, your time will come.
    Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


      Thank you for the response. It seems we are in the same boat, and on a similar timeline of our relationships, and also distance too!

      It can be so difficult, I feel so much better finding this forum and seeing just how many other people are doing the same and making it work.
      at the moment money is the only thing stopping us, I know in the future it will be red tape and will probably be even harder.

      I really hope that everything goes to plan for your meet up so you don't have to wait another 2 years!!


        We went two years, five months before we met in person. I totally understand the frustration and longing. If often was a source of contention--what's the point of a LDR that never ends, we should end it. However, life always takes unexpected turns, and we can only do our best to surf the waves as they come. Lack of money and miles of red tape can both be surmounted if you both work together with a purpose, so try to keep slogging on and focusing on the positives! You can do it


          Everyone needs a good rant at times more so when the distance takes it toll. You have no need to worry about venting or rambling here as we are all in the same situation some worse off than others but we all share the same problems and dilemas. I myslef have left a few moaning threads on this forum like yourself just needing an outlet for my frustration without feeling like choking on it so vent away :-)

          The waiting and pressure can be hard as we all know but in the end its worth it when you love someone so try not to linger on the negatives (easier said than done i know) and focus on the positives. Its good you have such supportive friends even if they dont quite understand your situation fully atleast they are still there to emotionally support you.

          Stay strong and hang in there!
          When they stand before us they find...A force they were not ready for.


            There will definitely come a day when you will be able to be together as long as you both don't give up. Overall peoples are not very supportive of LDR since they themselves can't imagine being in one and are used to finding someone that is within their distance. So don't mind them. Even though supportive of friends and family can mean a lot. On the other hand you have a lot of supports here and what's even better is that we all can feel you, since we are all in a LDR here.

            It may be hard now, but when the day comes when you both are together, everything will be worth it . Keep it up with your beautiful love! (y).


              Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. To know I am not alone really helps

