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trying so hard not to cry..

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    Im sorry to hear that *hugs*
    Has he ever considered movin up somewhere close to you? Or I mean like at least meet you?
    Stay strong tho! You will make it and we're all here to listen


      *Big hugs!*

      I'm so sorry to hear this You are amazingly brave for being able to do this, as tough as it was to have to lose all you had.

      Stay strong


        Sorry to hear that *hugs*

        Has he ever told you why he didn't wanna go to you? Sounds kinda weird to me that he's ready to have you there without meeting first.. :/ Like he doesn't realise what it'd be like for you if it didn't work out after all..

        Don't hold back the tears, if there's some place you can go and just let it all out, it would probably do you pretty good.

        Take care


          Guys!! I don't know what to do! I know it hasn't been long but I just want to stop feeling completely miserable! Me and Matt were fortunate enough to talk everyday and it wasn't just like for a few minutes or an hour. We would talk for hours everyday. I miss that. I don't know what to do with all the time I set aside for him. Just everything I do seems to remind me of him. It feels like the only that doesn't remind me of him is when im in bed or watching tv. A part of me is regretting this decision. I know its for the best but I just wish my heart could agree with my head.
          He just gets me... <3


            i need some kind of advice here.. My SO doesnt want to break up. He feels that its my decision to figure out what to do. We got into so many arguements last night that I just dont know what to do!! Ahhhhh!! I dont want to make a decision and then later down the road regret it all. He said that hes willing to wait for me. Then I'm getting all these comments from my friends who dont even consider what I have to actually be a relationship. They think I need to stop talking to him and get someone that I can physically touch. And you can't help who you love and I've never felt like this about anyone. I feel like I'm suck between either going left or right and not knowing whats going to happen if I choose either one.
            He just gets me... <3


              I know it's hard and it hurts and you miss him. It took me a long time to get over my ex-boyfriend. That's normal and you are allowed to miss him and you are allowed to worry that you made the wrong decision.

              But there are reasons you made that decision. It's not fair for him to say that it's all up to you, love is a 2 way street. He doesn't seem to be holding up his end. I mean, you say in your original post that he won't come visit you. Why is that? He can't expect you to make all the effort.

              If you want to stay in the relationship and work it out, that is fine. But make sure that he is willing to put in the work too. He should be willing to visit you. Not just willing, he should be WANTING to visit you. He can't expect you to move there without having ever met.

              Wishing you the best...


                You have to follow your heart and your head on this one....even if they are opposing sides. Yes you have filled all your time with him....yes now your time is find new ways...

                Let me ask you this.

                What is the PAYOFF for being in a relationship with him? What do YOU get? Think about it for a sec before answering!
                NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                  Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
                  You have to follow your heart and your head on this one....even if they are opposing sides. Yes you have filled all your time with him....yes now your time is find new ways...

                  Let me ask you this.

                  What is the PAYOFF for being in a relationship with him? What do YOU get? Think about it for a sec before answering!
                  hmmm... The payoff for me is happiness. I don't really know how to describe the feeling he gives me. Its nothing Ive ever felt before.

                  I'm gonna tell him that I'll keep this together only if you come see me and if you dont want to then Im gone. Its always been been something to intrupt our plans of meeting. This time its timing. I cant take off of work right now. He says he'll wait for me but I dont know if I have the strength to wait for him.
                  He just gets me... <3


                    I think from what I read about your original post that maybe you really didn't want to break up... But you felt like you had to cause of the way things are right now? You obviously love him very much and second questioning a big decision like that is perfectly normal.

                    I'm not saying it was the wrong thing to do but like the saying goes, you don't know what you've got until you've lost it... and perhaps he's realised it now?

                    It is by far not fair of him to say everything is up to you and that you should just move there to be with him - I mean you guys haven't even met yet.
                    But in the other hand you've been together for a LONG time and wouldn't it be a bit of a waste if you didn't at least get to see each other face to face and see if the spark is really there?

                    Sounds like you're in between two rocks right now and it must be very hard and stressful... he has to do his share in this relationship too in order to make it work and you have to make sure he understands that. If he does and is willing to make an effort then don't give up just yet.

                    You've managed to do this LD thing for nearly 2 years now so you must have something special going on. Does he have a real reason why he can't/won't visit you? Maybe meeting half-way would be an option?

                    If you really truly in your heart think you can't do this anymore and it's just not working then follow your instinct on this... But something tells me this doesn't have to end just yet, there's a chapter yet to be written in your book.

                    I hope this helped and didn't make you even more confused lol... Take care! *hugs*


                      Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                      I think from what I read about your original post that maybe you really didn't want to break up... But you felt like you had to cause of the way things are right now? You obviously love him very much and second questioning a big decision like that is perfectly normal.

                      I'm not saying it was the wrong thing to do but like the saying goes, you don't know what you've got until you've lost it... and perhaps he's realised it now?

                      It is by far not fair of him to say everything is up to you and that you should just move there to be with him - I mean you guys haven't even met yet.
                      But in the other hand you've been together for a LONG time and wouldn't it be a bit of a waste if you didn't at least get to see each other face to face and see if the spark is really there?

                      Sounds like you're in between two rocks right now and it must be very hard and stressful... he has to do his share in this relationship too in order to make it work and you have to make sure he understands that. If he does and is willing to make an effort then don't give up just yet.

                      You've managed to do this LD thing for nearly 2 years now so you must have something special going on. Does he have a real reason why he can't/won't visit you? Maybe meeting half-way would be an option?

                      If you really truly in your heart think you can't do this anymore and it's just not working then follow your instinct on this... But something tells me this doesn't have to end just yet, there's a chapter yet to be written in your book.

                      I hope this helped and didn't make you even more confused lol... Take care! *hugs*
                      Thanks! Reading this really did help. I wish I knew why he wont come see me. I tried asking him that so many times and he either changes the subject and if I'm really pushing the issue he says that he has to go. I don't understand why hes like this. It's just so frustrating! I feel like I'm doing all of the work in this relationship. I had made plans to go see him this month but since I got a job so quickly after getting laid off in August I needed to push it back. He took off this entire week in August from work because he needed a break before he started school in September which I understood. School never ended up happening because he registered for classes too late. He could have spent that entire week here with me!

                      Hopefully after tonight things wont be so up in the air.
                      He just gets me... <3

