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Getting your hopes up... [[semi-rant]]

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    Getting your hopes up... [[semi-rant]]

    I don't do it. I've had enough fall apart that I pinned so much on in the past that I just try not to get my hopes up anymore. This morning my mom came into my room and goes, "You need to clean your room... Act like Alex is going to be here next weekend. That should get you in gear."

    For the record, I know that's not going to happen. The boy hasn't even gotten his passport yet, lol, so there's no way he's going to just appear here next Friday (had to say that before I get bombarded with "You're taking this too seriously" comments). I know Mom was just trying to motivate me. Though when I told our mutual friends they all said, "Oh, he's probably going to do it." I doubt it seriously, but they're trying to get my hopes up.

    I don't think he'd come down here out of nowhere ,especially since (if he were to do that) my mom would be running around cleaning EVERYTHING in sight and fixing everything she could in the house (including trying to create a makeshift new bedroom in the living room). I guess this is just a semi-rant thing because I know it's not goign to happen and she knows it's not going to happen, but it kind of gives this dull ache in my chest knowing there's no way he could get here at all. Again, I know my mom was just trying to motivate me, and there's nothing wrong with that, but it almost hurts that she used those words when we both know that would never happen.

    ...Well, maybe it would, but right now it's not in the realm of possibility as he has no passport (as I've mentioned earlier).

    So, yeah...not really a rant but not asking advice...just kinda annoyed and wishing there were some way for it to actually manifest. But no one plans surprises for me and, depending on the weather, he would have the possibility of a fainting spell. ^^; If he does any surprise visits they'll likely be in the December-February date range and, even then, that's a slim to none possibility.

    ^^; *disgruntled/discouraged*

    I hear you. Nothing will annoy me faster than others using my areas of weakness or sadness to 'motivate' me. It's not motivation it's manipulation and it's cruel. I'm sorry she does this.

