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Just wondering

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    Just wondering

    It seems like everytime I talk to my SO anymore I mention this site and how it's helping me cope. I was thinking about asking him to join? I highly doubt that he will considering he doesn't use the computer all that much but I thought I would give it a try. My questions to you all is... How many of you joined and then asked your SO to join? Has anyone asked there SO and they said no? and Did you join because you where asked and was surprised by how it helped? Just wondering

    I haven't asked Alex to join, no, mainly because I don't think he'd enjoy it. I don't know that he gets much out of discussing our relationship with other people. ^^;; and he has enough people surrounding him who he can ask the advice of (best friend, older sister, etc) that I don't think he'd really use this at all.


      i asked Denise and she said she would look into it but i dont think she's a real message board person


        I havent asked my SO to join this site although i do think it would help him. He doesnt have anyone around him that he can talk to im really the only person he confides in. I dont think hes a message board kinda person but maybe i should mention it to him, at least then if he has any doubts or fears he feels he cant ask me about at least id know he was getting the best possible advice out there


          I asked my SO to join and he joined on the old forums, but he never joined on the new ones. I don't think he's
          a message board type of person but I don't mind, he knows I'm on here, so he knows he can come on if he wishes.


            I don't think I'd ask Penn to join. Mostly because I actually like having this for that bad? It's a site about relationships, but I don't want to discuss it with him.

            And I doubt he'd be all that active.

            If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


              I joined the website after looking through the forums and realized how much support and awesome advice there was on here
              Then i talked to my bf about it and asked him if he would like to join with me
              He said no (actually he said more than just no but i rather not say haha), but thats alright i still joined anyways :]


                Sam joined here first and then told me about it and I'm so glad he did This is an awesome site It's nice to know that there are others in the same situation and you can ask for advice and stuff


                  Originally posted by squiddie View Post
                  I don't think I'd ask Penn to join. Mostly because I actually like having this for that bad? It's a site about relationships, but I don't want to discuss it with him.

                  And I doubt he'd be all that active.
                  Same here - I like the ability to vent when I need to about things that happen between us. I don't want him to read something I might post when I am frustrated and then have it cause an argument when it doesn't really need to be. He knows I am on here. I talked to him about it even before I really did anything with my profile because I wasn't sure how I might fit in here. But it's nice to have this option away from him, where people truly understand what you're going through.


                    I haven't asked my boyfriend to join because I know he wouldn't join. He always makes fun of me because I'm always on here but I love it here!


                      I never asked Obi to join, but he knows he had the option. It's just not really his kind of thing. He was happy I got the support I needed and that was as far as it went.
                      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                        I told my SO about this site and he thought it sounded cool and he made an account although I don't expect him to use it that often because he thinks forums are "complicated" lol

                        Madly in love with Michael


                          My DO knows all about this site...never asked him to I like having "this part of my world" He woudn't be into it anyway..
                          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                            I like having this for myself because if he joined then I wouldn't be able to talk about him on here :P I tell him anything I read that I think he'd like to hear anyway


                              Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
                              I haven't asked my boyfriend to join because I know he wouldn't join. He always makes fun of me because I'm always on here but I love it here!
                              Exactly the same thing for me haha

