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How to get HER back again?

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    How to get HER back again?

    I believe all of us here have been through 'Breakup" and it's really hurting. Some even can't accept it.
    I had breakup with my SO since 2 months ago and yet we re still keep in touch with texting. WE still care each other but no more phone calls. Officially breakup? I am not sure.
    I still have a feeling with her and i believe she does the same. Her family made us like this. They had separate us. My SO won't do anything about it. I wanna give a try to win her again. Although i know it's imposibble since her family forbid her to visit me while i'm sick.
    Anyone here could give me a brilliant idea? What should i do & don't?

    I think you should ask her, are we really broken up, or what are we? But Fabio, you have been trying for so long. If she says she can't have a relationship, why don't you let go of her and stop hurting yourself??? This has been going on for a long time!


      I don't think she wants you back. You keep trying but you NEED to accept it's over. I'm sorry.


        If she doesn't want to or can't put in the effort for the relationship, then there is no point in you trying to win her back. Think about what is best for YOU personally, do you think you would be happier moving on and not having this stress in your life? I wish you the best!


          I really think you need to let her go, as heart-breaking as it is. She might still love you, but months have passed and it's clear that she's just not willing to work to make the relationship anymore.


            i agree i think you should let her go. save yourself some hurt. if you two are really ment to b you will find each other again at a point in your lives where it will wrk. good luck


              Thanks for the comments, opinions and advises. I know the right thing is, Walk away from her. What left in heres is only cares and sympathy.
              I have been trying to forget about her and i reduced from texting but she still kept on texting me. It's hurting me a lot. Why she did this.


                Then ask her to stop the contact. She has to respect your feelings!


                  I agree with everyone else, you've been in this situation for months and it's not getting any better! Make a clean break, delete all her contact information and tell her to never text you or contact you again, you don't deserve to hang on to something she's never gonna work for or has no interest in. Stop hurting yourself and don't let her keep rejecting you constantly. Let her go, morn and move on - there's the right person out there somewhere, just waiting for you to find her


                    Seems you are unsure with her. She can probably say YES or NO. She might still Love you but her situations made her freeze. I have read your previous post. You both just hurting each other. Clear it out. No point for you to wait for her. She isn't for you. She is not willing to fight. There are bunch of girls are more loving than her. Come on bro! Don't ever replied her.

