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The moments that take your breath away..

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    The moments that take your breath away..

    I'll do that post in two sections. First I heard this song and it reminded me of a LDR, and my relationship with Kevin, so let me share...

    He looks up from second base, dad's up in the stands
    He saw the hit, the run, the slide, there ain't no bigger fan
    In the parking lot after the game
    He said, "Sad, I thought you had a plane to catch?"
    He smiled and said, "Yeah, son, I did"

    But life's not the breath you take, the breathing in and out
    That gets you through the day, ain't what it's all about
    You just might miss the point trying to win the race
    Life's not the breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away

    Fast forward fifteen years and a thousand miles away
    Boy's built a life, he's got a wife and a baby due today
    He hears a voice saying, "I made it son"
    Says, "I told you dad, you didn't have to come"
    He smiles and says, "Yeah, I know you did"

    But life's not the breath you take, the breathing in and out
    That gets you trough the day, ain't what it's all about
    You just might miss the point trying to win the race
    Life's not the breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away

    Just like it took my breath when she was born
    Just like it took my breath away when dad took his last that morn

    Life's not the breath you take, the breathing in and out
    That gets you trough the day, ain't what it's all about
    Just might miss the point if you don't slow down the pace
    Life's not the breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away

    Second, I want to know, does your SO take your breath away? If so HOW? I want to hear, and I'll start.

    When Kevin calls me on his way to work, even though we live together he CALLS me on his way in to work. Of course he uses a headset (otherwise I wouldn't allow him to call me) but every time it happens I get butterflies in my stomach because he's going that extra mile to make things work.

    There was a moment a couple weeks ago, I had just started applying for jobs after we'd talked about trying to find a way to end the distance and I made the comment "This would be easier if I had a job." A week after I'd said that he was telling me I sounded very off, I wasn't responding very much and the way I worded things I sounded tired. So I broke down and told him all the stress I was under and how it was because I was trying to get a job and raise the money to move to him as soon as I could. I thought maybe he'd tell me to back down from it, that there was time. What I got was "I believe in you." It took my breath away and returned it in time to let me cry the hardest I've cried in weeks. It felt so good to know he supported me, believed I could do it, and now every once in a while I get a text at random saying "stay strong." To have that support, it's wonderful.


      when we talked about his sensitive subject and at the end he told me he has never told about that anyone, neither his mom nor best friend, only me when he told me about something we would like to try but only with a girl he really loves and then asked me if I would be happy to do that and 2 more I dont want to share I love him!


        Aww. Both of those are really awesome. Another that I can think of is now that our schedules are much different (work wise) Even though he doesn't get home until about 8:30pm He'll go to bed with me when I'm ready (normally around 11pm) and cuddle me until I fall asleep. I've always told him I hate sleeping alone, but I never thought he would do this for me. The best part is he doesn't get back up when I fall asleep, even though I would be okay with it. Instead he stays in bed and watches a movie, or messes around on my macbook. It's so sweet, it warms my heart, and takes my breath away!


          everything she does takes my breath away, all she has to do is say hello on the phone and im instantly breathless!


            One time, when Morten was still living with me in Viborg, I was in school and having a bad day. I texted him, joking, saying that I could really use a kiss right now..
            And: less than 10 min. later he suddenly comes running into our chillout/lunch break room, completely out of breath, and kisses me passionately - right in front of half of my lunch-eating classmates - before running back the way he came from..
            He'd run straight from my house, 1,5 km, to my school to make my day I was stunned - and completely blushed.. like, "human tomato"-style..

            And generally, all the things he does takes my breath away.. e.g:

            How we would lie in bed and he would cuddle me until I fell asleep.
            How he would make me breakfast in bed.
            How he will always make me laugh.
            How he'd bike 8,5 miles to surprise me one night spent at my parents' house outside town.
            How he had put me on a treasure hunt leading to a cute picnic in a romantic spot in a local historical theme park (I love history)
            How he had taken care of my laundry one day when I got home from school.
            How he picked me a flower from the area in front of his apartment building and stuck it behind my windscreen wiper.
            How he remembered a pair of earrings I'd admired in a DIY shop, bought the parts and made a pair for me, and totally Pretty Woman style, told me to look in the pocket of his jacket one evening when we were going out and I previously had complained about not owning any decent earrings.
            How he'd leave me little notes in my calender.
            How he had bought me roses for our 4 month "anniversary", hidden them the day before and gotten out of bed early while I was still asleep to put them on my night stand.
            How he nurtured me back to health after a NIGHTMARE hangover. Man, that was an EVIL one.
            How he had snapped pictures of various African flowers and attached them to a sweet email on our 5 months "anniversary".
            How he, a few days ago, had recorded himself reading me a bedtime story and emailed me it before bed.

            - Just to name a few^^
            I love my man!


              Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
              everything she does takes my breath away, all she has to do is say hello on the phone and im instantly breathless!
              And that, my friends, is when you know it's true love.


                Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                And that, my friends, is when you know it's true love.
                heh yeaaaah it is *giggles*


                  Aww thats SOOO cute Luisina! Yes Caitlin, but anything specific? The specifics are so cute to read about.


                    Kevin came home tonight and noticed I was tired, so he made me dinner!


                      Originally posted by JoMarie View Post
                      Aww thats SOOO cute Luisina! Yes Caitlin, but anything specific? The specifics are so cute to read about.
                      even though she couldnt do it from over there since her card wouldnt work for some odd reason, she tried to order me pizza hut when i told her i was really hungry and didnt have much food in the house

                      i have yet to see it but she sang a song to me on my birthday last year, and most likely will do it on the phone

                      when she walked me to and from work


                        Originally posted by JoMarie View Post
                        Aww thats SOOO cute Luisina! Yes Caitlin, but anything specific? The specifics are so cute to read about.
                        even though she couldnt do it from over there since her card wouldnt work for some odd reason, she tried to order me pizza hut when i told her i was really hungry and didnt have much food in the house

                        i have yet to see it but she sang a song to me on my birthday last year, and most likely will do it on the phone

                        when she walked me to and from work


                          There's been several moments he's taken my breath away. But yesterday at 5:15pm meeting under the arch for the first time and hugging for 5 minutes will always be my most memorable and was absolutely amazing!! A memory we will cherish for a lifetime I'M SO HAPPY


                            So cute guys!


                              When Andy was here and I got home after a hard day's work to find out he's cleaned my house, done the dishes, hung the laundry, fed my horses and dogs and had dinner ready for me!

                              And the fact he is moving to Finland for ME. Takes my breath away what he's willing to do to be with me. Ahhhhh I love that man so much! ♥

