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    I just got back after 3 days with my SO and I'm getting depressed. I feel like it happens everytime I leave. I have such a great time with him and then on returning to school I get a huge letdown.
    • Is this normal?
    • Does anyone else feel the same way?
    • What do you do to fight off the feeling?

    It's very normal to be sad after a visit. You've just had a small taste of what you wanted more than anything in the world and then you had to say goodbye, or see you later to it. I always used to be very sad after visits with Kevin, and I still get sad when he goes off to work even though we live together. I used to try and stay as busy as possible, with extra shifts at work and keeping company with my friends. Of course the other thing is visiting LFAD forums where there are others goign through the same things as you.


      Yeah its si normal..i get really down too when one of us leaves. That whole week im so sensitive, i feel like crying all day, like no one gets it..i even start doubting that i can keep on doing this. But its only the first couple days i think maybe a week or two, then youll get into distance mode and start getting excited about your next visit


        1) it's VERY normal.. in fact if you didn't feel a thing after a visit, THAT wouldn't be normal! It's just love ♥

        2) Everyone feels this way, some might get used to it but most people in my experience won't... For some it gets even worse the more they visit.

        3) I try to keep myself busy, meet friends and family, talk to people, watch tv/films, read a book etc.. It makes it worse if you isolate yourself from everyone. Naturally you should take some time to yourself to cry and let the sadness out but once you're done try not to dwell in it even though I know it's incredibly hard, but if you wanna feel better sooner just get a move on and do something to distract yourself. If you can, plan the next visit, that gives you both something to look forward to!


          That is very very normal! Try to keep positive!


            Yup, it's normal -.-

            Getting back to your.. everyday life after spending time with your SO can be pretty depressing, I hate the first few days but after a while I get used to it again.. that's just how it is and there's nothing you can do about it until you're able to close the distance. It sucks.. but you just have to live with it and accept the situation.

            Like others have said, just try to keep yourself busy, distract yourself and find other stuff to think about. It's normal and good to be sad and cry it all out first though, instead of trying to suffocate those feelings of sadness straight away. And it always helps a little if you know when you'll see him again.

            Hope you feel better soon *hugs*


              Like everyone else said, it's very normal. You'll be back to normal soon


                Yeah, totally normal. It usually takes me a couple of weeks to get back into the swing of things. For me, trying to fight it makes it worse, so I just go with it, knowing it's a temporary thing, and I start thinking about when I can visit next. It sucks, and it doesn't get any easier, but you get through it
                Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                  I am going through this right now...if you were to read my last blog entry you would see.. It is normal...hang in there...and remember your love..
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    Of course this feeling is very normal. I bet that almost everybody feels the exact same way.


                      100% normal (although define normal..? =P)

                      I got back from 3 months with my SO and basically shut down. On the face of it I was (just about) getting on with everyday life but my sleep and eating was WAY outta sync (that had nothing to do with jetlag), totally feeling in all honesty actual depression (from what I've heard about depression) but it does get easier.

                      Time is the only thing that makes it easier. As with most things in life. Keep speaking to each other as much as you can, keep busy but also allow yourself to feel this way.

                      And try and remember, even though each day is one more since you saw each other - its one less until you next do!
                      Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

                      Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

                      And remember....Love really IS all around.


                        Originally posted by SSUgirl View Post
                        • Is this normal?
                        • Does anyone else feel the same way?
                        • What do you do to fight off the feeling?
                        1. It is normal
                        2. I feel the same way each day we say good bye on messenger and i havent met him yet
                        3. I go to the gym, go onto LDR , and even sometimes watch horror movies. they calm me for some reason...
                        "Forever and Always"


                          yeah like everyone said this is absolutely normal. it's possibly the worst feeling ever.. knowing that you have to leave and you won't be able to be with him everyday anymore
                          i try to just stay busy and keep thinking positive, and be fortunate that i have him to miss

                          keep your head up, everything will be alright


                            •Is this normal?
                            •Does anyone else feel the same way?
                            •What do you do to fight off the feeling?

                            Yep - completely normal...I just got back yesterday from visiting my SO and I'm barely holding it together, so to answer question #2, right there with ya!

                            I got in later last night and had to go back to work, so throwing myself into catching up at work helped distract slightly, until I looked up at our picture on my wall. Plus I have my son to keep me busy a lot of the times. Otherwise, I try to read, watch random stuff on Netflix, jump on LFAD Forums to peruse and not feel so alone

