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What's the one thing you're most looking forward to the next time you see your SO?

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    Originally posted by blankita719 View Post
    I'm going with the cuddling as well...You really can't beat it when you just have them right there in your arms. And that inner feeling of knowing you are exactly where you are supposed to be at that moement in time. That moment that you feel completely happy with just being together. That's what I look forward to the most.
    Yeah.. amen to that. Nothing makes me happier than being with him/in his arms. It's where I belong ♥


      Me running through Auckland airport - tossing my backpack on the floor, jump hugging him, wrapping my legs round his waist and giving him a kiss for every day we've been apart... making that 202 kisses to be exact
      Now, THAT'S what I look forward to!


        All those little kisses he gives all over my face.


          I can't wait to make love! There will definitely be a party in my bedroom


            He comes back down here next week, and what I look forward to every time he comes is being able to fall asleep in his arms, listening to his heartbeat, feeling his heat, breathing him in... Oh now I'm all excited again. Rawr!!


              What I look forward to the most is just being in his arms, and feeling the love he has for me. Seeing him smile, and his beautiful eyes. Holding hands, and having fun. Seeing him and being with him just makes me feel complete.

