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Homecoming Mums and Garters

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    Homecoming Mums and Garters

    For those of you who don't know, in the southern parts of the US there's a huge homecoming tradition of giving mums/garters, which are big things of ribbon that you wear pinned to your shirt or tied to your arm, to your boyfriend or girlfriend. My boyfriend lives in Texas (where I used to live before I moved) so I decided to make him a garter

    I just finished it today, and with overnight shipping it can get there by homecoming on Friday!

    He said he wants to make me one too, which is so sweet of him
    Only thing is people here in North Carolina won't know what it is XD

    Does anyone else here live in a part of the US where they have the tradition of giving homecoming mums? Have you made a mum for your SO or someone else before, or have you ever received one?

    I'm from Missouri and have never heard of these before. I looked it up, and they are.... interesting!!! Could you post a picture of the one that you make for your boyfriend? I'm very curious about it!

