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Talking about the future?

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    We and my SO have already planned out when we're going to be together, because he's going to be coming down to go to University with me for my last two years so we can graduate together. We're going to be renting two rooms in a house or condo though, to keep actually moving in together something to look forward to for after school. That's as far as we've actually planned, and it's enough for me.

    Every once in awhile though, he lets something else slip. One day I was talking about how much he is obsessed with technology and he said "Well that's what happens when you marry a geek!" without thinking and we laughed about it for awhile. He also brings up kids every so often, not in a serious way but in a playful joking way, but it's still adorable. I love that we are able to talk about these things without feeling like it is going too far.


      We discussed what we want from the future from early on and realised we both want the same things from life, and later on in our discussions my SO has told me that he knows 100% he wants me in his future and that when he is ready he will propose and one day we will have kids we both want a couple and I know deep in my heart that I want the same, so for now we are happy planning from one visit to the next until we both feel ready to take the next step


        yeah eric and i talk about our future together all the time it makes me get butterflies in my stomach thinking about him being my future husband.. and we actually refer to each other as mr. and mrs. sometimes, its super cute! he's moving out here next here so of course we have to talk about our plans for the future there.. but we talk about marriage and kids a lot too!


          Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
          Right from the beginning I knew that he was the one..the little comments started....and then we knew we were on the same page. I didn't want to be with someone who wanted to casually date.....for had to be a future...

          ya know...being old like me and all...haha (sarcasm)
          Yes mom, I know all about you being old... I mean... seasoned

          Originally posted by positivelycynical View Post
          We have already talked about the future a lot. In fact, the last time I went to visit him, he showed me a house he was thinking of buying and wanted my approval. He has told me he wants to get a house and everything place so that when I move there I won't have anything to worry about and everything will be ready for me... So, yes, the future is hopefully bright for us!
          That is the cutest thing eevverrrrr!

          I'm trying to get my SO to come here for New Years so that he can check out my place and such as my ex and I can't sell the house for at least another 14 months due to a stinking tax credit... *hums*


            We basically have it all planned out in some way lol We did dream here and there about some things but we're pretty sure about wantin to get married and get an appartment together
            We did talk about kids and such but we decided to take it slow and first off work on our first meeting and stuff before gettin too excited bout other stuff that is way ahead somewhere in the future.


              My SO has this, 'plan' that she's had since she was like 16 apparently. She wants to be engaged for 5 years, married by the time she's 28, kids and settled by the time she's 35....

              Thankfully i'm pretty easy going and just agree... And I dont freak out easily (she told me this before we even got together!)

              'yes dear', 'no dear', '3 bags full dear'.... :P


                We have discussed as far as having kids and being married. We both agree that we don't want kids until we are more financially secure. As for being married we don't really know when :P But for right now our concern is closing the distance hopefully by next year

                First Met Online: May 08
                Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13

