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How did you first meet your SO?

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    How did you first meet your SO?
    I met my bf on AIM, it was on Easter (04, April 2010) and he randomly messaged me since we were in the same chatroom
    Online? In person? For how long did you guys know each other before dating?
    Online. We knew each other 3 weeks before we started dating
    What did you think about a LDR?
    I didn't really have an issue with it, as long as we both knew we were serious about the relationship


      How did you first meet your SO? Online? In person?
      Online, on forums, which moved to msn.

      For how long did you guys know each other before dating?
      *face palm* five years. Because I'm an idiot. It's a very long story.

      What did you think about a LDR?
      I didn't think. I didn't even consider it an LDR - to me it was an internet relationship. I didn't consider us LD until we met in person and made it official.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        How did you first meet your SO?

        We both worked at Walmart. He was the cool, hot guy in electronics and I was a dorky cashier girl with black hair. I moved up in the company and as luck would have it, I got bumped to electronics. Yes, I'm still dorky (lost the black hair, though ) and he's still cool and hot, but somehow we came to like each other more than just friends.

        Online? In person? For how long did you guys know each other before dating?
        We met in person and we knew each other for 7 months before we started dating. I owe our mutual friend Anthony for telling me that Kal liked me because if he hadn't, I don't think Kal would have made a move. I know I definitely wouldn't have lol I never would have thought a guy like him would like a girl like me. We dated for 4 months before he moved away. And now it's been over 2 years.

        What did you think about an LDR?
        We were both skeptical that it would work. But neither of us were ready for it to be over so we gave it a shot. So far it's working and I think it will continue long after we close the distance.


          I met Brandon at a barbecue I was invited to at his house. After a night of partying, awesome food and drinking, we ended up on top of the shed roof with some friends, looking up at the sky and counting the stars. He ended up lying down with his head on my leg, and told me I was like super comfy. I thought he was really cool. A few weeks later he suprised me with a kiss when we were hanging out, and we've been together ever since.

          I guess we only knew each other for about two weeks before we started going out, but I knew who he was from school before then. We'd just never really talked before that barbecue. We decided to go out until the end of summer, just in fun, and then see if we wanted to do long distance. We didn't commit to it right away because we had like just met, but by the end of that three weeks we both knew we wanted to do it And here we are! Still going strong.


            How did you first meet your SO?
            December 1996 - a ridiculously long time ago. Super long story and if you're bored, you can read the long version in the LDR Stories section, but short version is that his ex & I were friends, and I met him through her.

            For how long did you guys know each other before dating?
            The first go around was after a few weeks, I met him in NH. When I got home we started talking almost immediately and it didn't take long to declare ourselves together. Sadly, the first try didn't last and it took roughly 13 years for us to make it back around to being together.

            What did you think about a LDR?
            I hated it, which is one of the reasons why we broke up the first time around. And I'm still not a fan of the LDR, but it's a temporary circumstance until we make the final decision on who is going where an when.


              How did you first meet your SO?
              I met him at a common room in a hostal we both stayed at in KatiKati, New Zealand. I was 19 and traveling alone, he was 25 and traveling alone, we started a puzzle together, and after a few weeks i found myself waiting for him to get back to work too so we could talk some more

              Online? In person? For how long did you guys know each other before dating?
              In person knew each other for about a month, then started dating officially (he went on one knee to ask me, i couldnt refuse). We dated for 2 monts and then he had to go back to Holland..we agreed on long distance a couple days before he left.

              What did you think about a LDR?
              I didnt know anything about it..never met anyone doing it..didnt even thought about it was weird, i just said yes without thinking how we were gonna handle it..and im so happy i did!


                Yay! I'm loving all these wide-range of stories! I think it is so interesting to find out how people who are in LDR found each other.
                My entire family blew up when they found out about mine. I had kept him a secret because of the "online predator" stuff. I actually saw him in person behind my parent's backs. He flew out with his mom (since we were both 15) and they stayed for a weekend at the local hotel while I slept over at my friend's house. It was wonderful, however the family ordeal was a nightmare for a few months. Eventually, after a year, I had persuaded my parents to give him a chance so we flew him out and they instantly LOVED him

                *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                  How did you first meet your SO?
                  2 years ago on a game called MapleStory.

                  Online? In person? For how long did you guys know each other before dating?
                  Online. We knew each other for about 11 months

                  What did you think about a LDR?
                  We weren't bothered by the idea actually. We just wanted to mutually belong to one another ^^ Well it bothers us that we can't be together but thats the sacrifice we all have to make ^^

                  First Met Online: May 08
                  Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                  First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                  Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                  Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


                    on a site called he was my best friend...
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

