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Meeting your SO in person for the first time

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    Meeting your SO in person for the first time

    Eric and I met online, but of course we then had to meet each other in person!
    I went out there to michigan where we first met. I got off the plane, and called him telling him I was there since he only lives about 10 minutes away from the airport(lucky!)

    He walked into the airport right to baggage claim where I was sitting, we immediately saw each other, he basically ran over to me, threw his keys on the ground, picked me up as we hugged and kissed. everything just felt so right, and it was the most amazing moment, everything froze and it was just me and him, and nothing else mattered

    anyways, where did you and your SO meet for the first time? in the airport? at a specific spot? details!

    My bf and i met at the airport..that was the most awkwardest airport meeting i ever experienced followed by the most awkwardest hug i ever given haha
    BUT once the awkwardness flew out the window, it was all good. The visit turned out to be amazing :]


      Me and my boyfriend first met while I was walking up the block with my dogs and he was walking down it. He decided to drive from Texas to California and surprise me. I was so shocked but had to play it cool because my mom was with me


        I met my SO at the airport too. He came to visits me. I was nervous waiting..:-P I arrived a little early coz i have to park the car far. I look at screen and saw his flight already landed 10mins ago. I wait him near the arrival hall.Kinda hiding from him to see me. Then i saw him walk out from the arrival hall,looking around. I go to him and touch his right arm. He look at me and hugged me. He kiss my forehead and we keep hugging. We cant kissed coz im from malaysia. a lot of muslim here. Haha..Then we holding hands and walk to my car..mmm its such a nice feelings...


          Another airport meeter here

          We hugged... he picked me up and everything.. and then I think we didn't stop touching each other for the entire day. I couldn't believe he was real!
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            Ask me again in 26 days <3
            First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



              i sadly couldnt meet her at the airport since i had no transportation but she got a taxi and taxi guy drove her to my house, my first thought when i saw her taxi pull up and she got out of the car was "omg!!!! she's here!!! omg omg omg!! aw crap my legs are not working!" and as soon as the taxi drove away she was like "well come over and see me woman!!" lol and i was like "cant! legs dont work, you come over here first!" heh so she marched up the steps sat down next to me said something like "your a silly bugger, come here" and pulled me into a hug, my heart her heart was pounding really hard when we held each other, it felt good to have her in my arms and god she smelled so good, it was a little awkward for a day and half i couldnt even look her in the eye i was so shy O_o i wasent able to fully look her in the eye until her 2nd day here when we were in mystic. which was when we had our first kiss and i made love to her for the first time ehem....ahhhh yeah mystic good times good memories heh heh heh


                Yup, airport for us too

                He came here to see me first and as I waited for him to walk through the door, basically my whole body was shaking and my heart was pounding.. the waiting was agonising ..and when he finally walked through, he looked soooo so handsome ♥ We both smiled but he wouldn't come to me so I had to go to him haha. He wrapped his arms around me and.. I was still shaking like crazy but ahhhh.. can't even describe how good it felt to finally be in his arms.. He's told me that I hugged him harder than I have ever since We didn't let go of each other for the next.. hour I think.. we were just stood hugging.. staring into each others eyes.. trying to kiss haha, until the terminal closed and they kicked us out

                The first time was amazing.. even though neither of us can remember a lot of it I remember after driving back to my place (was past midnight).. we stayed up until 5 or 6 am laying in bed.. just touching each other and looking into each others eyes.. ♥ Was so perfect


                  Airport! My SO picked me up.

                  We were really shy. My SO just stood there and looked at me until I give her the hint that she should just come over and hug me. And that's what she did. It was a wonderful, warm and tight hug. It felt amazing.

                  From that moment on I knew that I had nothing to worry about. We clicked right away.


                    I flew from london heathrow to Atlanta georgia and that was just the beginning, heathers mom bought the ticket so i could go and meet her for the first time and it was awesome. I flew for hours to ATL and then was questioned by customs like why did they buy your ticket do i have money etc etc, any nerves i had that day went lol. The customs official was rude as anything and it made me totally relax when he eventually stamped my passport. I couldnt beleive i was in the USA(a country i have loved all my life) i wish i was american lol. I got to the gate to board the flight to Portland OR and it was late but i didnt care i was half way there and i had found several people to talk to i didnt care who they were i had to tell them why i was in the USA i think i made the woman i say next to on the plane to oregon so mad because it was all i was talking about. When i went to board the plane to OR i got my Passport out and this american shocked me and said son your in USA now you dont need your passport to go to other places in the USA i showed the people it anyway lol. I got to OR and i got off the plane and i walked through the security bit and i thought to myself this is it im gonna finally meet heather i was not nervous at all until i got my baggage and i was walking to the moving stairs thing i dunno what you call it lol. I started to go down and all i saw was this sign with pink things on it being held by her DAD he looked sooo gay it was unreal. Heathers mom was there then i saw Heather and i thought WOW i never ever thought i would go to meet someone i already loved but hadnt met in person but i did and it was brilliant i dont think i hugged her though because she was stressed she will say she wasnt but she was because she was bitching at her mom who had lost where they parked. I got in the car she had a smoke then got in the car then i hugged her and told her i loved her and we hugged and kissed all the way home it was the one and only thing that will never ever be beaten because that was the best day of my life i honestly think i will remember that day more than when i marry heather only because of the significance (ps. sorry about my spelling)


                      Originally posted by elina View Post
                      Yup, airport for us too

                      He came here to see me first and as I waited for him to walk through the door, basically my whole body was shaking and my heart was pounding.. the waiting was agonising ..and when he finally walked through, he looked soooo so handsome ♥ We both smiled but he wouldn't come to me so I had to go to him haha. He wrapped his arms around me and.. I was still shaking like crazy but ahhhh.. can't even describe how good it felt to finally be in his arms.. He's told me that I hugged him harder than I have ever since We didn't let go of each other for the next.. hour I think.. we were just stood hugging.. staring into each others eyes.. trying to kiss haha, until the terminal closed and they kicked us out

                      The first time was amazing.. even though neither of us can remember a lot of it I remember after driving back to my place (was past midnight).. we stayed up until 5 or 6 am laying in bed.. just touching each other and looking into each others eyes.. ♥ Was so perfect
                      Well.. this

                      All I really remember is thinking hot small and beautiful she is


                        i'm meeting my boyfriend for the first time in 21 hours! oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.


                          wheres he from?


                            My boyfriend and I are another airport meeting!! Haha He was deployed when we first started talking and it wasn't easy. Finally, he was home in NJ and I was on my way up! I was soooooo nervous on my second flight, the lady sitting next to me heard the whole story and kept me calm. I got off the plane (looking for a man in uniform). I wasn't quite sure how it would be. We talked about it but I didn't really think it'd be like the movies. I walked out the exit doors into baggage claim, he came around the corner. We both ran for each other, I threw my arms around him, and he kissed me and we were both crying. I couldn't believe he was actually in a safe place in front of me. It was a day I will never forget and a feeling that will never be replaced! I have butterflies just thinking about it

