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The benefits of complete trust

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    The benefits of complete trust

    So I have recently moved to another country (not moved in with my SO!), and I've been trying to make some new friends since I basically know no one here.

    I'm throwing a dinner party for some new friends I made tonight. The thing is.. I'm a guy and I'm inviting 5 girls (no guys) over to my house.
    Obviously, there's a big potential for an upset girlfriend there, but she's completely cool with it. She thinks it's great that I'm making new friends so quickly and wishes me loads of fun.

    I'm a lucky guy.

    Yeah, complete trust is awesome. My SO lives with 3 other girls and they all go to the gym together, and out for dinner and stuff, and I don't have any jealousy issues at all. I just want him to have a good time at school. And he knows I don't get along with girls, so it's good knowing I can make some guy friends without it being an issue.


      Definitely awesome. I really thought that it would bother me that my SO has a female roommate but it doesn't at all. I can honestly say probably for the first time ever that I know and am confident that he only has eyes for me and it is an amazing feeling. Also, for the time being, I live with my ex and him trusting me with that is absolutely awesome because I know a lot of guys would be putting a hell of a lot of pressure on me to get out of that situation, and he is just supportive with the next steps that I need to take.


        I know exactly how you feel. I have a male roomie and most of my friends are male, but my boyfriend and I completely trust one another. What a wonderful feeling it is.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          That's.. great?


            took me awhile but i do trust her roomate who's also female and bi sexual but likes me and knows how much i love Denise and would never try anything


              It is a good thing. It took a while for Penn to really trust me, as I'm more comfortable around guys than girls, and prefer their company. But, as long as he's generally kept abreast of what's going on (mostly when I'm meeting someone new), he's cool with it.

              He knows I'm not going anywhere.

              As for me trusting him...he has no game I'm not worried.

              If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                My SO's best friends are female, and I trust him completely. I like how we can both mention opposite gendered friends without provoking any jealousy or suspicion.


                  It definitely was strange for me to get into a relationship, especially an LDR relationship and not have a really jealous boyfriend. My ex (not LDR) was verbally abusive and INSANELY jealous. The mention of a classmate would send him into a fury. My boyfriend and I have complete trust with each other. One night he was helping a friend move and he calls me and she's in the background rambling about something. I was having a rough night about school stuff and got upset. He felt so bad! He thought I was upset with him for helping his friend. I kept telling him that I trust him, and I know he's just as much into this as I am. But it is such a good feeling to have!!!


                    I trust my boyfriend completely and it is an amazing feeling! I don't have to worry about certain things which is very nice and good because I can worry easily


                      I'm working on the whole trust thing. I've been badly scarred by an abusive relationship, and it's really taken a lot to come as far as I have. I know T would never ever cheat on me, but I still get jealous from time to time. I'm pretty good for reining it in. Except for two times, One was the time when he closed the door to his bedroom while in it with only a girl he'd kissed. I was really not happy and was ready to leave when he heard me and came out. He understood and so did she ( she actually agreed with me!).

                      The only other thing I get really jealous about is this one friend of his. I don't trust her AT ALL. When I was with my ex, she had told a friend she wanted him and was going to hook up with him at the next party. My friend told her that he had a gf, and she said " Oh well, I don't care". My boy knows this and understands why I don't like her, and he's not really close with her anyway. If she came to visit while we were in school ( She had this nasty habit of just showing up), he'd tell me and talk to me the entire time he was with her.

                      I have a good boy
                      "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                        My SO currently lives with a young blonde nurse, lol... and I still lived with my ex for the first 9 months of our relationship. Not only that, but another ex-boyfriend has been my best friend for the past 11 years, so I end up talking about him to my SO fairly often. I've remained close with a lot of my exes.

                        There are certainly guys I've been with in the past where I'd NOT be comfortable if they had a female roomie- but every relationship comes with a different level of trust and with unique boundaries of comfort- and in our case, I've never given a second thought to his roommate and he knows I don't think of my guy friends any differently than I do my female friends. His trust is a gift I intend to keep forever and would never risk losing... and it's great to know that he feels the same
                        We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


                          Wonderful thing!
                          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                            I know how you feel
                            For the past 1½ months I have been living at a lion park with other volunteers. ALL of them are and have been girls (..apparently most men don't find working with animals that can kill you masculine enough, heh) but that doesn't seem to bother my SO. One time on skype, she asked me whether the other volunteers were sweet. I told her they were and I also said she had nothing to worry about - She just laughed and joked about me going into defensive position, hehe :P She KNEW there was no need to worry, and she just wants me to meet nice people. I love her! ^^

                            I think it's great you've found some friends, and of course your SO does as well!
                            Hope you had a blast at the dinner party last night


                              Originally posted by squiddie View Post
                              As for me trusting him...he has no game I'm not worried.
                              hahahahahaha that's so cute!

