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    I know many of us had trouble travelling over the holidays due to bad weather, including myself.

    But last week I booked a flight to Washington DC without realizing that there would be mountains of snow when I arrived. And now to top it off, it's supposed to snow another 5-10 inches tomorrow (Tuesday).... My flight is Wednesday.

    Just needing to vent- Am going to continue to pack and plan on being there. If I don't get to see him before he leaves for Afghanistan, I might go INSANE...

    If you're the praying type, if you wouldn't mind sending a few good thoughts for me, I'd appreciate it. I'm happy to do the same for you!

    Oh no, that's awful!! I hope the weather clears up enough for you to enjoy your time with your guy before he leaves. You're in my thoughts - keep us updated!


      The weather is a pain in the arse, I know. Ours isn't as bad as Washington's sounds, but it almost stopped my step-dad (works away) from coming back for the weekend when it was at its worst. Apparently it's going to be quite bad in the South-East this week/weekend... I'm going there to see Paul on Sat. I WILL get there. Snow or not. ¬_¬


        I hope you can get to see him!!! I hate bad weather conditions!


          Awwwwww no!

          I was flying back home when we had TONS of snow here - I ended up having to spend a night in London in a hotel and not getting my luggage back for 2 weeks after I got home!

          I really hope it all works out for you.
          In a relationship with

          Read mine & Tanja's story here!

          My Albums:
          Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
          Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
          My dog Sam ♥


            i've also had to deal with the weather SEVERAL times, as we often have bad weather here. I've had to spend nights in hotels. My SO has been unable to land UGH! I hope you have better luck than we do!


              Good luck, we'll pray the weather Gods for you!


                I really hope the weather clears up enough for you to be able to spend some time with him before he has to leave!


                  aww ill pray for you i hope you get there and get there safely before he leaves good luck


                    Ugh!!! Damn snow!!! I wish you all the luck in the world!! Keep us posted
                    Just be glad we made it here alive
                    On a spinning ball in the middle of space


                      Thanks everyone!

                      I'm packed and ready to go! :P Will let you know how it turns out!


                        Good luck!
                        In a relationship with

                        Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                        My Albums:
                        Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                        Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                        My dog Sam ♥


                          So, my flight tomorrow was cancelled as it's now expected to snow another 15-20 inches of snow there on top of the 30 already there! That's 3 feet of snow! Or, in metric terms, just under a meter!

                          But, it should stop snowing by Wednesday night. I was able to change my flight to Thursday night, so I have my fingers crossed the snow will be removed by then.

                          And I talked to my friends who agreed to teach my classes for me on Tuesday, so I actually won't be spending any less time with him as long as I can get there as planned.

                          I'm so excited to see him!


                            UPDATE: I made it! I'm currently laying in bed with my sleeping boyfriend next to me and feeling very happy. Thanks for all the encouragement everyone!

                            I haven't been online for a couple of days, but I really miss being here with all of you! I'll look forward to catching up next week when I get back home and am missing him...


                              Aww. I'm so glad you were able to make it.

                              Have fun!

