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Did something stupid!!!!

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    Did something stupid!!!!

    Arrrrg! normally i am not like this!!!! and im advocate peoples privacy in relationships alot and i dont know what came over me, i know the last few days me and her have been very wound up tight because we miss each other and other things like the wedding and visa, but one of her friends said something on one of her pictures that i normally would have made a funny comment on myself but at that moment i was having a panic attack and really pissy already because i was talking to someone about my ex and im usually like that when after i talk about him, but he said a few innocent comments and i read them wrong and since i know Denise's password on facebook i went on her facebook and deleted his messages that he wrote because i felt he was crossing the line with his comments but he wasent. And i actually yelled at him via PM as well, after that i felt so guilty and it didnt help my panic attack any it made it worse, i didnt even intend to tell her i was actually gonna sorta lie about it but i didnt wanna do that because our relationshiip is based on trust and being honest but i did tell her this morning and she was really angry! Which i understand completely, i was crying alot but we talked it out and everything is fine now, but i felt guilty all last night after i did it and still kinda do! She forgave me which actually shocked me because i thought for sure i had screwed shit up, but i didnt. I still feel horrible about that because i swear to god i am not like that ever!! ARRRRG!!!


    Deep breath.

    You know what you did was wrong, you found the courage to tell her - these are both very positive things.

    You expected her to be angry and upset, as she understandably was. But from the sounds of it...she knows you. She knows this isn't something you would normally do. Your only human and you made a mistake.

    Unfortunately the guilt is something your going to have to live with. I know that sucks but sadly its the truth. Its not down to her to alleviate your guilt. Its the price to pay for making the mistake.

    I think from what you've said you guys will be able to get through this. Ultimately if its something that she can forgive, you will be able to get through this and who knows - in time it might make you stronger.

    As long as it is something you can move on from. Not necessarily forget but not continue to bring up in the future.

    I did something similar. I broke my partners trust in a similar way in a moment of weakness. There was no reason for me to do it, it certainly wasn't because of him. Maybe down to jealousy..I dunno. But anyway the point was - I told him. I felt guiltier than I can ever describe but I didn't expect him to alleviate that. All I wanted to do was to try and make sure he was ok, to regain his trust in anyway I could. Because I couldn't stand to be the person who hurt him in that way.

    He forgave me. And we've moved on. I still feel awful about it, but as I said - thats my price to pay.

    I hope that you have managed to resolve the issue and that you do move on and it makes you stronger. I'm sure you will be able to move forward from this.
    Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

    Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

    And remember....Love really IS all around.


      We all do things in the heat of the moment that we wish we had not done. The important thing is that you understood what you did wasn't the greatest decision ever, and that you came clean. She loves you, so she forgave you Amamzing how that works when we truly love some one!


        Like blankita said, you realized it was wrong and fessed up. God knows I've done things I regret when it comes to my SO like chewing him out for certain things or getting mad for others. It happens and all we can do is be glad they forgive us and try to move on, learning a lesson from it.


          I know the feeling too, and it does take some time to go away. But it sounds like you handled it appropriately once you came to your senses about what you were doing. I'm sure that Denise recognizes that.



            You came clean and confessed. She forgave allow yourself to move on and learn a lesson.
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              yeah we talked about it on the phone a bit more, and she said she understood but told me "please dont do that again! i know why you did it but you dont have to worry" basically the guy that said those things i kinda sensed at some point he wanted to date her and she actually told me that on the phone which is probably why i reacted the way i did, i knew that and i had the "back off she's mine mentality" and she said "well just because someone had/has a crush on me doesnt mean anything, you dont think im gonna do anything about it do you?" and i said no i know she wouldn't but at that time i wasent thinking cause i had that convo with the other guy about my ex and seeing him say those things i went into panic mode when i shouldnt have. Denise is a beautiful woman and theres many people who have crushes on her and i know that so im always worried someone is gonna take her away from me, its a panic response. She has an amazing personality and she draws people to her so thats why i get a little panicky at times, and when i sleep on it i most likely will forgive myself


                I've been there, done that. Its part of the learning curve. Having been through it, you will be a stronger couple for it.

                Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.

