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Almost there! Kinda nervous

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    Almost there! Kinda nervous

    I finally spoke to my bf this morning for a couple of hours. Its the first time we have had any conversation longer than 10 mins since he left in July for Italy. I also didn't talk to him at one point for 6wks.. I was so happy to see his message pop up. I still have a silly grin on my face. He said he was planning things for us to do and he was excited I was coming, hearing those things made me smile and made me feel really good. I have missed him and it was hard not having any real contact for 3 and a half months but we did it, I did it! Now we can move forward in our relationship. I haven't been this happy since before he left. It will be a wonderful 3 weeks.

    The only thing is I am nervous to see him. I know I shouldn't be and they aren't bad nerves..maybe butterflies. I'm gonna be there three weeks and it will be hard to leave him after that but I will go back and see him over the summer or for my spring break.

    Have any of you ever been nervous?
    Last edited by Paris; October 23, 2010, 01:19 PM. Reason: BAD BAD BAD spelling and missing words lol excited

    Wow, 3 1/2 months without any real contact O_o *takes a bow* Honestly I wouldve died lol
    I'm glad you get to see each other finally again!
    Make sure to have a splendid time and take bunch of pics and videos for yourself to watch when you get lonely!
    And I bet you have a bunch of butterflies in your tummy ^___^ Just don't worry it'll all be fine once you see him again


      I know I just can't wait. I can't wait to see what he has planned. He is the romantic type and I look forward to it. I can't wait to see him. I am sure I will turn red. I always do when I see him. It's really bad, my friends say it's cute. It's funny because I am not shy by any means he just really has this crazy effect on me. I have never felt like this for another. It's a strange feeling and it seems unreal. I know to some that seems crazy but for the first time in a relationship I feel happy and not just partially but completely. It's a great feeling. I plan on taking many pics and video of my trip. I will be there for three weeks so we will have plenty to do. I have a blogger account that I will probably be using while I am there and adding video and pics to it. I will link it on here if anyone wants to see it. I have a lot of friends who want to know about my trip and I dont want to tell it to hundreds of people over and over again lol so I figured a blog while I was there would be great. I just have to figure out my cameras video.



        I am always terrified nervous, until I see the look on his face when he sees me, the love, happiness, and overwhelming relief that crosses his face, before he actually knows it and then the smile breaks over his face..has me laughing at my nervousness.

        Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
        And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


        Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


          Wow your an inspiration! i get moody if i dont have contact with my SO after a few hours!!!

          Im always super nervous when i go to visit him and get major butterflies, but the second i see him it all goes away and i know im exactly where i should be, by his side


            That's sweet.

            lol Thanks, I just understand that he can't always talk to me. He is very busy with his job and I know he also has a life there as well and I don't expect him to spend every waking minute online with me. I like knowing he is there online at the same time and I can say something if I feel like it and so can he. Even when he lived only three hours away we didn't talk every day on the phone, maybe every other day or every couple of days. We text or used skype anytime any one of us was online. He isn't a phone person lol


              I get super nervous the day before he visits or I go there, but it's worse when I'm the one waiting for him to get here. I'm glad I have school for most of the day but when I'm back home I end up nervous cleaning everything, pacing, biting my nails and trying to distract myself any way I can. I usually can't eat anything and I get super antsy. I'm not sure why, but it happens every time.

              XD Heh, we haven't even been doing long distance for barely two months, and yet I still get frustrated when we have no contact for just a day. You have some crazy patience my friend.


                Originally posted by Dauntedpoet View Post
                I am always terrified nervous, until I see the look on his face when he sees me, the love, happiness, and overwhelming relief that crosses his face, before he actually knows it and then the smile breaks over his face..has me laughing at my nervousness.
                Awee....that's so cute
                I had to say something to that x)
                It must be amazing to see that flash across his face.


                  3½ months without any "real" contact - and at one point 6 WEEKS in a ROW!? what a freakishly long time! Now, that's what I call patience..
                  I feel SO needy right now skyping once a week
                  And: I NEED my daily "goodnight" text.. then again, so does he.. so it's not that bad^^

                  Good on you for making it.. what an inspiration


                    The perfect smiley for this post:

                    Three and a half months, and 6 months? I think I would have
                    You're incredible. And you did it! & Yaaay for seeing him soon =)
                    I think it's natural to be nervous. But then you'll see him, and you'll get soo happy, you'll forget that you were ever nervous.

                    P.S: Sounds like a couple people would have died in this thread, me being one of them. haha.


                      Definitely an inspiration...

                      I like this post and see how happy you are!!!!!!
                      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                        You are an inspiration I would've died if I couldn't talk to my SO everyday like we do.

                        wow... 3 and a half months plus six weeks.

                        First Met Online: May 08
                        Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                        First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                        Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                        Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


                          Originally posted by Luisina View Post
                          3½ months without any "real" contact - and at one point 6 WEEKS in a ROW!? what a freakishly long time! Now, that's what I call patience..
                          I feel SO needy right now skyping once a week
                          And: I NEED my daily "goodnight" text.. then again, so does he.. so it's not that bad^^

                          Good on you for making it.. what an inspiration
                          Yeah he left in July and we talked I think 6 times since then before yesterday. I talked to him the day before his bday and then nothing for 6wks. I just spoke to him yesterday, for two hours online. It was great! I knew with his job and not having internet and him having all kinds of other things going on, like moving to a foreign country, I knew it would take some time for him to get internet and get settled.

                          He has internet and we will talk regularly now. Yay!

                          It got to me sometimes naturally, but I just can't get upset at him because I can't talk to him. I knew what I was getting into when I started dating him. He is in the military and well you need patience and love to date a guy in the military. I trust him and vice versa, it's hard and we miss each other but he is excited to see me as I am him. I told him I would never get upset or mad at him if he couldnt talk to me esp if he is working. He knows I love him and I am not going anywhere. He is a great guy as much as he tries to act like he isn't he really is the best. He is worth the wait. I've waited my entire life to find him and now that i have I am not letting 5000 miles come between us

                          It takes a lot of patience


                            I think it's wonderful that you have such a strong relationship, and I wanted to add in my vote to you are a strong woman. We do what we have to do for those we love, eh? I'm really glad he has internet now!

                            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

