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Good Article on LDRs

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    Good Article on LDRs

    I really liked this article I found and thought I would share. It is really basic advice but well-written and positive. It is geared toward college LDR's but I think it pertains to anyone. I'm glad to see something so positive because a lot of the advice I'll read on LDRs is like, "Don't do it" "Give up now". So it was good to see something positive.

    That's sweet.

    The first semester of college is definitely a difficult time to be in a long-distance relationship--it's a completely new environment for both people in the couple. Even with couples I knew who went to the same college, very few made it to December or the end of freshman year. The first year changes you, and you realize you may not be the same person you were when you started dating your SO. Sometimes the relationship can last that, sometimes it can't.

    So I think this is a very positive article.

    My only complaint would be for a "don't be afraid to let go" portion. Sometimes, even when you're trying everything and you're both committed, and it's still not going well, you have to know when to cut your losses. Not every relationship can handle the long-distance strain, even with trust and commitment.

    If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


      Great article and i can see how it relates to those not in college too, its nice to see peoples opinions are starting to change somewhat.

      Thanks for posting it

