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25 Days. . .

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    25 Days. . .

    I had no idea where this post should go! I think this is the right place.

    I just wanted to tell you guys that I bought a bus ticket to see my angel for the first time just a couple days ago. I can't believe this is happening. After 5 years. x_X I'll be staying with him over his Thanksgiving break!! In 25 days!!!!!

    I have to admit I'm kind of afraid of riding the bus! It will be a 20 hour trip and I've never been on such a crazy adventure. I hear there are lots of panhandlers and such at the stations. But then I also hear there are security guards! *thumbs up*

    I'm also afraid of meeting his mom! But I'm generally good at getting moms to like me. :3 Doesn't mean I won't worry. . .

    I'm not at all afraid of him!

    I told my mom about what I'd be doing because I thought it was the mature thing to do. And I do want her to have a good opinion of our relationship. ^^;

    This is all really crazy stuff. And it's all happening really fast after 5 years of nothing happening!

    Actually quite a lot of things have happened since I've been so busy and not posting here. I have a son now. X3 His name is Lucian and it means light in Latin. Yeah, he's not a human, but he's as close to a son as I plan on having and my parents treat him like a grandchild anyway. I went to their house tonight and my mom had a huge chew stick and a new toy waiting for him! Spoiled grandkid. XD

    Also I told my mom I was done with their religion and moved out and found a place of my own. I love it. Unfortunately someone I work for is moving to Barcelona Spain! o.o; And the lady who rents half of her business building is looking to buy a new place for her business. . . She's looking at MY HOUSE! Which belongs to another lady I clean for who has been trying to sell it for 2 years, so she's not going to keep it just for me. . . It's the strangest tangle of bad luck. :\ Barcelona lady should really tell her not to ruin my life I think!!!

    This is all over the place, and I apologize. Just wanted to bring you kids up to speed! The most important part is obviously that I'm finally going to meet him!!! <3

    If you have advice for me with his parents or riding a bus or anything, I'd love to hear it. . .

    I'm so excited for you! Unbelievable ^^;

    20 hours on a bus? Gods. That's just... well, I'm sure that's really going to suck! (I hate buses though ) But it'll all be worth it. You meet a lot of weirdos on public transport but generally if you're nice to the crazy but friendly ones, you'll be alright, and just pretend you're asleep if you get an aggressive one.

    Lucian is gorgeous!
    Good luck!!
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      Ahhhh! I am so happy for you!!!! You totally deserve this (getting to meet each other, not the rent stuff though)! I can't wait to here how the trip went!


        Wow I soooo wish I could bus/drive to see my SO!


          YAY! And your new baby is sooo cute!


            I am happy for ALL of us are!

            Finally after 5 years...can't wait to hear how awesome it goes!

            Your baby is precious!
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              Zephii: Yeah, 20 hours! Haha. But I'm really good at sleeping so maybe it won't be so bad. I'm kind of excited to ride the bus. Like it's this insane adventure to me. I'm glad I can hug my momma before I leave this way! Now that I was able to tell her what I'm doing. And I didn't even think of bringing a pillow! My little brother gave me a turtle pillow pet for my birthday that I can bring. Isn't that great? AHH! I love my brother. Pretending to sleep is the most brilliant idea. I never even thought of that. Thanks so much!! I'm proud of my son!

              Bluestars: Thankyouthankyou~! I will post pictures and all that fantastic stuff!!

              Mattheww65: I didn't realize how easy I've got it getting to ride a cheap bus! Haha.

              Thank you everyone!!!!! X3 It really means a lot.
              Last edited by Kiyenna; October 27, 2010, 03:42 AM.


                Just make sure you keep an eye on your things for the bus. It's not exactly the most secure luggage environment.

                As for his parents... are you staying with them? Or at this place and going out to his parent's for dinner? Perhaps you can bring a nice bottle of wine as a thank you or to go with dinner.

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  Also, your furbaby is adorable!!

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    That's fantastic news... And 5 years - kudos to you on that, it's properly inspiring!

                    Also, 20 hours on a bus? Wow. Books. Take books

